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2014 Summer Nanoseminar Series

Posted by on Friday, May 30, 2014 in Events, News.

Organized by: J. Scott Niezgoda


A seminar series in VINSE, 9 amazingly interesting seminars have been scheduled for this summer.  During each seminar, two students/post-docs from different research groups will talk about their projects dealing with nanofabrication and science/technology as related to it. The focus of the seminar is to present potentially high impact research that is currently in progress/unfinished. We expect the seminars to promote lively discussions, interdisciplinary collaborations between multiple groups, and exchange of technical expertise.  And, most importantly, there will be FREE FOOD.

May 30 – 5326 Stevenson Center – noon
Noah Orfield (Rosenthal group), “Correlated Atomic Structure and Photoluminescence of Individual Quantum Dots Reveals a Promising Outlook for the Future of Rational QD Design”
Mukesh Gupta (Duvall Group), “ABC Triblock Polymer-based Thermo-Responsive Hydrogels with ROS-Triggered Degradation and Drug Release”

June 6 – 5326 Stevenson Center – noon
Will Erwin (Bardhan group), “Surface engineered porous silicon counter electrodes for high efficiency dye–sensitized solar cell counter electrodes”
Shuren Hu (Weiss group), “General design proposals for 1D photonic crystal nanobeams”

June 20 – 5326 Stevenson Center – noon
Christina McGahan (Haglund group), “ Exploiting plasmonic particle sensitivity to the environment for use as a local probe during phase transitions
Joe Keene (Rosenthal group), “Quasi–type–II band structure in graded CdSxSe1–x nanocrystals revealed by ultrafast fluorescence Upconversion spectroscopy”

June 27 – 5326 Stevenson Center – noon
Lucas Hofmeister (Sung group), “Liposomal targeting to atheroprone vasculature”
Andrew Westover (Pint group), “Multifunctional load bearing energy storage materials”

July 11 – 5312 Stevenson Center – noon
Shane Finn (Macdonald group), “Understanding and Improving Petaled MoS2 as a Versatile Electrocatalyst”
Brian Evans (Duvall group), “Electrostatically-complexed, pH-responsive nanoparticles as a platform for intracellular peptide delivery” 

July 18 – 5326 Stevenson Center – noon
Christoph Klein (Cummings/McCabe group), “The role of hydration lubrication in zwitterionic polymer brushes”
Jana Black (Cummings/McCabe group), “Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Study of Thin Film Based Nanoscale Lubrication Schemes”

July 25 – 5326 Stevenson Center – noon
Dhiraj Prasai
(Bolotin group), “Tuning 2D and 0D electro optical systems”
Wenyi Wang (Valentine group), “Fano-resonant graphene photodetector exhibiting enhanced absorption”

August 1 – 5326 Stevenson Center – noon
Bob Marvel
(Haglund group), “Influence of size on the VO2 ultra fast phase transition”

Wei Li, (Valentine group), “Metamaterial perfect absorber-based hot electron photodetection”

August 8 – 5326 Stevenson Center – noon
Ryan Nicholl (Bolotin group), “From hard to soft condensed matter with graphene”
Yuanmu Yang (Valentine group), “High Quality Factor Fano-resonant All-Dielectric Metamaterials”


