VINSE Colloquium Series: “Investigating Bio-Nano Interactions and Enhancing Materials Properties” Dr. Rajesh Naik; Wright-Patterson Air Force Base 2/4/15

FEBRUARY 4, 2015.
Dr. Rajesh R. Naik
Soft Matter Materials Branch, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
“Investigating Bio-Nano Interactions and Enhancing Materials Properties”
3:10 PM, 134 Featheringill Hall
Refreshments served at 2:45
Host: Rizia Bardhan
Abstract: Understanding the structure-function relationships of biological materials can enable approaches in the design of materials for use in a variety of applications including biosensors and catalysis. Biological systems exemplify the utilization of specifically designed templates for building and enhancing materials properties. Biomimetic approaches that involve the use of proteins, peptides and other biomacromolecules have been investigated by researchers to create hybrid materials. Our research activities are aimed at understanding of how biomolecules interact with nanomaterial surfaces, investigating structure-function relationships, and how they can be used in the creation of functional materials. In this talk I will describe some our work on understanding biomolecular interactions with nanomaterials as well as our studies work on developing sensors and catalysts.