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Posted by on Monday, June 5, 2017 in News.

June 5, 2017

Significant progress has been made resolving ventilation issues in the new cleanroom. Corrective actions are currently being planned for remaining items that affect the exhaust from several tools. The cleanroom tool move schedule has been updated reflecting the progress made to date. Dates for moving the remaining tools will be determined once a clear design and construction timeline is in place for addressing the remaining issues. The goal is to start using the new cleanroom during the week of 6/12 when the Angstrom deposition and glovebox assembly is brought back into service in its new location.




May 1, 2017:

Early May move dates for several tools have been delayed pending satisfactory resolution of recurring ventilation design and operation issues in the new cleanroom. The cleanroom construction and engineering design team are initiating corrective actions to address these issues with resolution expected very soon. An updated move schedule will be posted once a clear timeline is in place for addressing the ventilation issues.


April 24, 2017:  With the end of classes approaching, the transition to the new VINSE cleanroom is underway.  Our plans are to start the move at the beginning of May and operational in the new cleanroom by June.

The first major tool move will be the Angstrom glovebox and deposition chamber assembly on May 1, with a projected return to service early the following week.

Details about all tool moves will be posted on this page and will be updated with any status change the day that it occurs.

Coincident with the VINSE cleanroom move to its new location in the ESB, we will institute a new cleanroom-specific safety training program. This program will be based on the new cleanroom-specific “Safety Plan and Conduct of Operations” manual. Training for existing users of the current cleanroom will consist of self-review of the manual and performing a walk-through with cleanroom staff. For new cleanroom users, training will include a one hour classroom presentation along with self-review of the manual and performing a walk-through with cleanroom staff. The new manual along with initial training dates and times for new and current cleanroom users will be posted shortly. Again, our goal is to start using tools as soon as they become operational in the new cleanroom so training sessions will start during the week of May 1. Contact Kurt Heinrich for information about the cleanroom and any questions about safety training.
