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18th Annual Nanoscience/ Nanotechnology Forum Poster Winners

Posted by on Thursday, October 26, 2017 in News.

More than 150 faculty, post-docs, graduate and undergraduate students engaged in nanoresearch at Vanderbilt attended the 18th annual Nanoscience/Nanotechnology Forum (“NanoDay!”) on October 25th. 26 posters were submitted in the 2017 student poster competition and the winners are:


NanoDay! 2017 Poster winners – Thal, Jackson, Buhro (NanoDay! keynote speaker), Matson, Knight, Li, and Ou.  Thompson and Riley not pictured

1st Place
Lucas Thal, Chemistry
Advisor: Sandra Rosenthal
“Tracking Single Quantum Dots to Unravel Membrane Dynamics of the Neuropsychiatric Disease-Associated Variant of the Human Dopamine Transporter

2nd Place
Mengya Li, Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Cary Pint
“Sulfur Vapor-Infiltrated 3D Carbon Nanotube Foam for Binder-Free High Areal Capacity Lithium-Sulfur Battery Composite Cathodes”

Meredith Jackson, Biomedical Engineering
Advisor: Craig Duvall
“Zwitterionic siRNA Polyplex Coronas Improve Tumor Accumulation and Bioactivity Compared to Traditional PEGs after Systemic Delivery

3rd Place
Yu-Chuan Ou, Biomedical and Biomolecular Engineering
Advisor: Rizia Bardhan
“Multimodal Multiplexed Immunoimaging in vivo with Gold Nanoantennas

Matt Thompson, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Advisor: Peter Cummings
“Molecular Simulation of Ionic Liquid Systems: Effects of Solvation and Humidification

Frances Knight, Biomedical Engineering
Advisor: John Wilson
“Nanoparticle vaccine generates lung-resident CD8+ T cells that protect against viral challenge

Riley Ferguson, undergraduate, Chemistry
Advisor: Sandra Rosenthal
“Probing Membrane Diffusion Dynamics of D2 Dopamine Receptor and its Schizophrenia-Associated Variant via Single Quantum Dot Tracking

1st Year IMS student 10- week Research Rotation
Joseph Matson, Interdisciplinary Materials Science
Advisor: Josh Caldwell
“Nanoscale mapping and spectroscopy of non-radiative hyperbolic modes in hexagonal boron nitride

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