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Janet Macdonald Promoted to Associate Professor

Posted by on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 in News.

Congratulations are in order for Janet Macdonald on her promotion to Associate Professor of Chemistry with tenure.

The Macdonald group is a nanoparticle synthesis group in the Department of Chemistry at Vanderbilt University. Janet and her students contribute fundamental knowledge to problems in green energy and catalysis.

Macdonald Group

Most recently Janet was featured along with the Chemistry department chair, John McLean, in a project with the Chemistry team to develop batches of hand sanitizer for the Vanderbilt community and local hospitals.

“I, like many others, at first felt unable to contribute meaningfully to the efforts going on in our community to help stop transmission of the virus,” said Macdonald. “This effort is a way that I can put my skills as a chemist to good use and help others. After all, if there is anything a chemist knows how to do well, it’s mixing things together!”

For more info on the most recent achievements of Janet and her group, visit their website here:

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