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2020 Summer Nanoseminar Schedule

Posted by on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 in Events, News.

2020 Summer Nanoseminar Schedule

The VINSE summer nanoseminar series provides an opportunity for graduate students or post-docs to share their current research with the larger VINSE community to foster discussion and collaboration.  Each seminar will consist of 2 talks of 15-20 minutes each with 10-15 minutes of questions.  The goal of these talks is to discuss and challenge the work being presented in order to promote a healthy debate.

Due to the current campus restrictions we will be holding these sessions via Zoom, Fridays at 12:00-1:00 pm.

Meeting ID: 952 404 3089
Refer to your email for the meeting password or email to request it.

2020 VINSE Summer Nanoseminar Series

June 5, 2020
Mingze He – Caldwell Group
“Expanding bandwidth of waveguides through coupled silicon and hyperbolic polaritons in Near- and Mid-IR”
Joshua Passantino – Jennings Group
“Photosystem I integration gel-based dye-sensitized solar cells”

June 12, 2020
Andrew Naclerio – Kidambi Group
“Growth of atomically-thin hexagonal boron nitride by chemical vapor deposition”
Sophie Click – Rosenthal Group
“Investigation of thick-shelled InP/ZnSe quantum dots”

June 19, 2020
Marm Dixit – Hatzell Group
“Influence of microstructure on transport, failure and performance of solid-state batteries”
Nathan Spear – Macdonald & Haglund Groups
“Enhancing upconversion from CuS/Au nanoparticle films by coupling”

June 26, 2020
Chuchuan Hong – Ndukaife Group
“Trapping and manipulation sub-10 nm objects enabled by opto-thermo-electrohydrodynamic tweezers”
Jenna Dombroski – King Group
“Fabrication and characterization of tumor nano-lysates as a vaccine for triple negative breast cancer in vivo”

July 10, 2020
Sam White – Haglund Group
“Doping effects in VO2 nanoparticles formed by solid-state dewetting”
Hanyu Zheng – Valentine Group
“Polystyrene microsphere self-assembly based meta-optics technology”

July 17, 2020
Isaiah Speight – Hanusa Group
“2D’s company, 3D’s a crowd: Mechanochemical generation of a Layered mercury (II) imidozolate framework”
Alice Leach – VINSE
“VINSE Capabilities: Printing, packaging and polishing

July 24, 2020
Jessalyn Baljon – Wilson Group
“An engineered nanocarrier platform for enhancing immune responses to neoantigen-targeted cancer vaccines”
James McBride
“Summer upgrades! Adding advanced automation and cryo-abilities to the Helios Dualbeam FIB”

July 31, 2020
Jacob VanderBurgh – Reinhart-King Group
“Heterogeneities in vascular stiffness dictate endothelial behavior”
Lei Tao – Pantelides Group
“CuInP2S6: An unconventional quadruple-well ferroelectric with novel features”

August 7, 2020
Rabeb Layouni – Weiss Group
“Nanoscale porous silicon for sensitive and quantitative rapid diagnostics”
Maria Gorchichko – Fleetwood Group
“Total-dose radiation effects in modern highly-scaled transistors”

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A question will be asked at the end of each zoom seminar session, everyone that answers the question correctly will be entered into a drawing for a $10 gift card to local lunch spots. The winners will be announced on Facebook.
