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Spotlight Podcast Episode 32: Krishen Appavoo – phase change material, vanadium dioxide. Typically an insulator, when given a small amount of energy, it becomes conducting and has applications in next generation electronic devices

Posted by on Thursday, December 31, 2020 in News, Spotlight Podcasts.

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In Episode 32 of the VINSE Spotlight Podcast Kannatassen ‘Krishen’ Appavoo tells Alice Leach about the phase change material, vanadium dioxide. Typically an insulator, when given a small amount of energy, it becomes conducting and has applications in next generation electronic devices. Krishen’s paper “Doping-driven electronic and lattice dynamics in the phase-change material vanadium dioxide” was published in Physical Review B.

Krishen graduated in 2012 with a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Materials Science from the lab of Richard Haglund. He is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Krishen Appavoo – phase change material, vanadium dioxide. Typically an insulator, when given a small amount of energy, it becomes conducting and has applications in next generation electronic devices
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