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Meet Our Graduates: Justin Mollison

Posted by on Monday, December 20, 2021 in Meet Our Graduates, News.


Justin Mollison graduated from the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering in 2020 with a
B.E. in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Nanoscience. As an undergrad, Justin was a
member of the VINSE Technical Crew where he learned fundamental micro- and nanoscale
fabrication skills in photolithography, etching, deposition and metrology. He then used those
skills to help develop standard VINSE lithography and wire bonding procedures, to aid
non-traditional cleanroom users in designing photolithography masks, and to help develop
standard operating procedures for various tools. Justin is currently working as an Engineering
Associate at Nooma Bio, a biotech startup based in Santa Cruz, California, where he is
responsible for the testing, fabrication, and development of a novel, solid-state nanotechnology
based device for accurately mapping genomic and epigenetic features on DNA molecules.

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