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“Generalized Strategy for Engineering Mammalian Cell-Compatible RNA-Based Biosensors from Random Sequence Libraries” published in ACS Sensors, selected as VINSE Spotlight Publication

Posted by on Thursday, May 23, 2024 in News, Spotlight Publications.

Overall workflow for biosensor fabrication. Schematic depicts the sequential steps of capture-SELEX, next-generation sequencing to identify candidate aptamers, and the assessment of these aptamers as L-dopa biosensors in a fluorescent construct. Schematic created with BioRender.
Overall workflow for biosensor fabrication. Schematic depicts the sequential steps of capture-SELEX, next-generation sequencing to identify candidate aptamers, and the assessment of these aptamers as L-dopa biosensors in a fluorescent construct. Schematic created with BioRender.

Congratulations to Everett Allchin! Everett’s paper “Generalized Strategy for Engineering Mammalian Cell-Compatible RNA-Based Biosensors from Random Sequence Libraries” has been selected as a VINSE Spotlight Publication.

This work by Allchin et al. from the Lippmann lab designed a framework for producing mammalian cell-compatible biosensors using aptamers selected from a large random library by Capture-SELEX. As a proof-of-concept, they generated and characterized a fluorescent RNA biosensor against L-dopa, the precursor of several neurotransmitters. Overall, they suggest that this approach will have utility for generating RNA biosensors that can reliably detect custom targets in mammalian cells.

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