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2024 VINSE Undergraduate Research Symposium Winners

Posted by on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 in News.

REU winners

Congratulations to all of the students who presented at the 2024 VINSE Undergraduate Research Symposium! Our undergraduate researchers were able to share everything they accomplished during their individual research projects at Vanderbilt University over the past ten weeks.

The symposium, which was held in collaboration with the Chemical Biology/Chemistry NSF-REU, showcased 37 students from the following programs: VINSE NSF-REU, Chemical Biology/Chemistry NSF-REU, VINSE Tech Crew, VUSE Summer Research Program and the Vanderbilt University Summer Research Program.

Posters were evaluated by a panel of judges for an opportunity to win travel grants to support the cost of presenting posters at a National Conference. The winners are:

Best overall – $1,000 travel grant                                                                                                         

David Flores, Penn State University
“Modulating the Infrared Response of 2D Materials for Nanophotonic Applications”
Mentors: Josh Caldwell, Jeb Bucher, Saurabh Dixit

Best overall – $1,000 travel grant

Hannah Crane, University of Pittsburgh
“Immunostimulatory Extracellular Vesicle Vaccine for Activation of Immune Responses”
Mentors: Jack Loken, Hayden Pagendarm, John Wilson

Best tech crew poster

Winston Nfor Kanjo Ndi, Vanderbilt University
“Optimizing PECVD Silicon Nitride Films for Advanced Electronics”
Mentor: Owen Meilander

Best layout

Kissamy Georges, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
“The effects of shear stress on BMEC cytoskeleton alignment”
Mentors: Daniel Chavarria, Ethan Lippmann
Noah Durlam
, Valparaiso University
“Recreating the Preparation of Anishinaabe Rock Art: Investigating Silica-Hematite Bonding”
Mentors: Emma Endres, Janet Macdonald

Best use of graphics                                                                                                                                               

Kendall Kelly, University of Mississippi
“Optimizing Bioadhesive Properties in siRNA Nanoparticles for Osteoarthritis Treatment”
Mentors: Amelia Soltes, Craig Duvall

Fan Favorite

Maggie Marte, Clemson University
“Improving Fiber-to-Chip Edge Coupling Efficiency using Inverse Taper Waveguides”
Mentors: Chris Whittington, Sharon Weiss
