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The ‘shine’ in gold particles has a new use – finding defects

Jul. 10, 2018—That glint of gold has always captured our eyes, but now the precious metal has a new use – finding defects in 3D printing. Vanderbilt researchers have developed a technique for gold to actually ‘shine’ inside 3D printed parts to highlight any problems. “This is one of the first applications using gold for defect detection....

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VINSE engineer Piran Kidambi awarded Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award for research on 2D nanomaterials

Jul. 5, 2018—An engineering professor whose nanomaterials research, particularly materials that are one atom thick, has received a competitive research grant from Oak Ridge Associated Universities. Piran Kidambi, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, is one of 35 junior faculty nationwide to win a Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, which provides funds to enrich...

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New method to fashion cheap, small carbon nanotubes ‘could change the world,’ Pint says

May. 24, 2018—Imagine a box you plug into the wall that cleans your toxic air and pays you cash. That’s essentially what Vanderbilt University researchers produced after discovering the blueprint for turning the carbon dioxide into the most valuable material ever sold – carbon nanotubes with small diameters. Cary Pint (Vanderbilt University) Carbon nanotubes are supermaterials that...

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2018 Summer Nanoseminar Schedule

May. 23, 2018—The VINSE summer nanoseminar series provides an opportunity for graduate students or post-docs to share their current research with the larger VINSE community to foster discussion and collaboration.  Each seminar will consist of 2 talks of 15-20 minutes each with 10-15 minutes of questions.  The goal of these talks is to discuss and challenge the...

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Peter Cummings to receive FOMMS 2018 Founders Medal

Apr. 12, 2018—Peter Cummings, John R. Hall Professor and associate dean for research, will receive the 2018 FOMMS Medal in July at the seventh triennial Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation conference where he will deliver the FOMMS Medal Lecture. The FOMMS Medal honors profound and lasting contributions by one or more individuals to the development of...

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VU BreakThru: Undergraduate Immersion in Nanotechnology: Working in the VINSE Cleanroom

Apr. 12, 2018—Undergraduate Immersion in Nanotechnology: Working in the VINSE Cleanroom Written by Alice Leach, Research Assistant Professor and Cleanroom Immersion Leader (Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science & Engineering) If you have taken a stroll over to Vanderbilt’s new Engineering and Science Building on the west side of campus, you may have seen a rather strange sight. On the ground floor,...

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Bardhan awarded prestigious career development grant for melanoma research

Mar. 23, 2018—A chemical and biomolecular engineering professor has received a prestigious Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) Career Development Award to develop an innovative multi-modal imaging platform for melanoma diagnosis and treatment evaluation. Assistant Professor Rizia Bardhan will use novel immunoactive gold nanostructures (IGNs) in conjunction with PET scanning and Raman spectroscopy to assess tumor immunomarkers...

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374 students from 20 Middle Tennessee High Schools participating in the VINSE High School Field Trip Program

Mar. 5, 2018—20 Middle Tennessee High Schools representing 14 Middle TN counties are participating in the Spring 2018 VINSE high school field trip program. Groups of up to 20 from each school will to visit our facilities, perform an experiment, utilize our electron microscope, and learn about nanotechnology and energy during a day visit. Participating Schools, Spring 2018:...

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VINSE director Rosenthal honored for achievements in chemistry, STEM education

Feb. 22, 2018—Sandra Rosenthal, the Jack and Pamela Egan Professor of Chemistry and director of the Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering, has been named the winner of this year’s Charles H. Herty Medal by the Georgia Section of the American Chemical Society. The award is given to recognize outstanding chemists in the Southeast U.S. who...

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Rosenthal wins Charles H. Herty Award

Feb. 14, 2018—Professor Sandra J. Rosenthal is the recipient of the 2018 Herty Medal as awarded by the Georgia Section of the American Chemical Society recognizing outstanding work and service by a chemist in the Southeast. Prof. Rosenthal is Jack and Pamela Egan Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Physics, Pharmacology, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Materials Science at Vanderbilt...

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