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‘Clare McCabe’

Dissertation Defense: Nicholas Craven, Interdisciplinary Materials Science

Jul. 11, 2024—DISSERTATION DEFENSE Nicholas ‘Cal’ Craven, Interdisciplinary Materials Science *under the direction of Clare McCabe “Reproducibility in Molecular Simulation: Approaches for the Screening Studies of Patchy Nanoparticles and Switchable Monolayer Films” 07.24.24  |  10:00AM CDT  |  044 Engineering Science Building |  Zoom Molecular simulation is a growing branch of scientific study in the fields surrounding molecular discovery. It is...

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Researcher Highlight: Chloe Frame

Oct. 9, 2023—Chloe Frame, 5th year Chemical Engineering PhD Candidate in the McCabe Lab Summary of Research: My work focuses on the outermost layer of the epidermis, the stratum corneum, which consists of corneocytes (dead skin cells) embedded in highly organized lipid lamellae. This lipid matrix is responsible for the barrier function of skin and one of...

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“High-throughput screening of tribological properties of monolayer films using molecular dynamics and machine learning” published in The Journal of Chemical Physics, selected as VINSE Spotlight Publication

Aug. 2, 2022—About the author: Co D. Quach is a Ph.D. candidate in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering department under the direction of Dr. Peter Cummings and Dr. Clare McCabe. In this article, Quach and colleagues performed high-throughput screening of thin-film coating to seek designs that could provide favorable tribological properties. Such findings could remove design constraints and...

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Spotlight Podcast Episode 4: Andrew Summers – How computers accelerate scientific research

May. 26, 2020—In the VINSE spotlight podcast, we interview the author of a VINSE Spotlight publication. We find out what their paper is about, the science behind it and how their research fits into the bigger picture. New episodes are posted on Tuesdays.  This week in episode 4 of the VINSE Spotlight Podcast Alice Leach talks with Andrew...

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Three VINSE Faculty Elected AAAS Fellows for 2019

Dec. 4, 2019—Eight Vanderbilt University faculty members have been named 2019 fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest general scientific society. Election as a fellow is an honor bestowed upon AAAS members by their peers. “I am enormously proud of the eight faculty members who earned this inspiring accomplishment, and I’m delighted...

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Clare McCabe Elected Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Nov. 21, 2019—Clare McCabe, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Engineering, has been elected as a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). She was recognized today at the 2019 AIChE annual meeting in Orlando, Florida. Fellow is the highest grade of membership awarded by the AICHE and is achieved only through election by the organization’s Board of Directors. McCabe...

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Clare McCabe elected Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Nov. 15, 2019—Clare McCabe, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Engineering, has been elected as a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). She was recognized today at the 2019 AIChE annual meeting in Orlando, Florida. Fellow is the highest grade of membership awarded by the AICHE and is achieved only through election by the organization’s Board of Directors. McCabe...

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Clare McCabe and Sharon Weiss named to endowed chairs

May. 10, 2017—  Clare McCabe McCabe is a professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, associate dean of Vanderbilt’s graduate school and director of Postdoctoral Affairs. She uses molecular modeling to understand the thermodynamic and transport properties of complex fluids, nanomaterials and biological systems. Current projects including developing novel lubricants for nano-scale devices, understanding the self-assembly of skin...

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Bolotin and McCabe receive VINSE Distinguished Service Awards

Aug. 29, 2014—Kirill Bolotin and Clare McCabe were each awarded a VINSE Distinguished Service Award at the VINSE fall faculty celebration.  Kirill was recognized for his vision and creation of the VINSE summer nanoseminar series.  Clare was recognized for her continued leadership and commitment to the VINSE REU.

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VINSE Faculty Member Clare McCabe winner of Madison Sarratt Prize

Jun. 8, 2011—Clare McCabe, associate professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering has been awarded the 2011 Madison Sarratt Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching at the 2011 Spring Faculty assembly. The Madison Sarratt Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching was established by the Board of Trust in 1964. Final selection of the award recipient is made by...

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