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‘Kofi Christie’

“Gypsum scaling in membrane distillation: Impacts of temperature and vapor flux” published in Desalination selected as VINSE spotlight publication

Sep. 27, 2022—About the author: Kofi Christie was a PhD student under the direction of Dr. Shihong Lin. Christie is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Louisiana State University. His research focuses on interdisciplinary approaches to improve sustainability at the water-energy nexus. His research interests include 1) elucidating the complex...

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Spotlight Podcast Episode 22: Kofi Christie – desalination of water – which is used globally to provide people with needed fresh water

Sep. 29, 2020—Episode 22 of the VINSE Spotlight Podcast Kofi Christie tells Alice Leach about the desalination of water – which is used globally to provide people with needed fresh water. Kofi’s paper ” Energy efficiency of membrane distillation: Simplified analysis, heat recovery, and the use of waste-heat” was published in Environmental International. Kofi graduated with his...

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Vanderbilt Summer Science Academy in Nanoscience is Underway

Jun. 26, 2017—Week 2 of the Vanderbilt Summer Academy (VSA) program in Nanoscience is underway. VSA is a residential, two week session in nanoscience and nanotechnology for 15 gifted high school students who have expressed an interest in nanoscience and nanotechnology.  The program is part lecture, part hands-on, and in addition to nanoscience experiments (e.g. nanocrystal synthesis)...

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