If you are interested in organizing a mini-symposium (consisting of six talks on a particular subject), please read the information at Talk to see how to submit a proposal (deadline April 1, 2019).
Current List of Minisymposia and their Organizers
- Advances in High-dimensional Approximation: Akil Narayan and Ling Guo
- Advances in Local Approximation and Applications: Alessandra Sestini
- Frames in High-dimensional Signal and Data Processing: Roza Aceska, Yeon Hyang, and Jean-Luc Bouchot
- Interaction between Sampling Theory and Operator Theory: Akram Aldroubi and Joachim Stoeckler
- Neural Network Approximation: Simon Foucart and Boris Hanin
- Polynomial Approximation and Applications: Sergiy Borodachov
- Probabilistic Numerics and Kernel-Based Methods: Toni Karvonen
- Recent Advances in Kernel-based Approximation: Varun Shankar and Grady Wright
- Recent Advances in Multivariate Splines: Carla Manni, Espen Sande, and Hendrik Speleers
- Recent Developments in Phase Retrieval and Applications: Ming-Jun Lai and Zhiqiang Xu
- Reduced and Parametric Methods for Function Approximations: Anton Dereventsov and Armenak Petroysyan
- Spectral and High-order Methods: Daan Huybrechs and Cecile Piret
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