Support Requests
Pending NSF support, we hope to be able to assist students, postdoctoral attendees, and other young participants who have to pay a substantial portion of their own costs. Those of you who expect to be in need of support are encouraged to apply by downloading this support form, and mailing it to the indicated address by April 1, 2019.
Please note that we cannot provide any funds in advance of the meeting. You will have to buy your ticket yourself, and if we are able to provide some support to you, we will send you a check only after the meeting. However, we may be able to pay (part or all of) your room costs directly to the hotel. We may ask you to share a room.
Support amounts, if any, will be based on need, and students and postdocs with limited access to travel funds will be given preference. We will decide about travel awards and send applicants a notification no later than April 8, 2019.
Note on air travel: Our funding sponsor requires that those receiving support for air travel fly roundtrip on a U.S. flag airline if at all possible.
Reimbursement procedures: If your request for support has been approved, please proceed as follows.
- If you are a non-U.S. resident please fill out the online Business Visitor Questionnaire (BVQ) before arriving.
- At the conference please ask at the registration desk for the necessary forms that you must complete in order to report your expenses and receive your reimbursement.
- We will need original and detailed receipts for all expenses. Receipts must indicate method of payment (including last four digits of card number for credit/debit card payments).
- Reimbursement checks will be mailed after the conference is over. Due to the University requirements for processing these, it is not possible to provide any reimbursement checks during the conference.
- Please note that Vanderbilt University may be required to withhold U.S. income tax from your reimbursement.
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