The meeting will take place in Wilson Hall, on the campus of Vanderbilt University (corner of West End Ave. and 21st St), see the interactive campus map. The meeting rooms are equipped with projectors with a selection of standard connectors. Coffee breaks will take place in the lobby of that building.
There will be three types of talks at the conference: 1) invited plenary talks, 2) minisymposium talks, and 3) contributed talks. As a rule, no conference participant will be allowed more than one talk. The deadline for submission of abstracts for all three types of presentations is May 1, 2019.
There will not be an outside refereeing process for submitted abstracts, but we will not include talks in the program that do not fit into the framework of Approximation Theory. If your submission falls into this category, we will let you know soon after your abstract submission. Slots in the program will be reserved for participants who have submitted their abstract and registration payment by May 1, 2019.
Minisymposia talks (and most contributed talks) will be grouped into blocks of six talks in a two hour period. Thus each of these talks should be for 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions. To fit all talks into the program, we expect to be running two sessions in parallel.
If you would like to organize a minisymposium on your favorite topic, please send us a proposal to with the following information:
- Name of the organizer(s) along with his/her affiliation and email address
- List of minisymposium speakers (with affiliations and emails),
- The topic of the minisymposium and a brief description of the intended presentations (titles and abstracts of individual talks in the minisymposium need not be submitted at this time).
The deadline for submission of minisymposium proposals is April 1, 2019. We will notify you by April 8 if your proposal is accepted. You should then contact your speakers to make sure that they submit their abstracts and pay their registration fees by May 1.
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