Richard's blog posts

Upcoming events, and 2015-16 coordinators

Hi all, a few things to note: Election Results Thank you to all who voted in the recent election for CC coordinators. The results are: – External co-coordinator: Richard Blissett – Internal co-coordinator: Sam Viano – Secretary: Anne-Elise Hawkins Forums for Graduate Student Voices As we continue to find ways to create more avenues for…

Posted by on October 13, 2015 in News

And now, the work begins…

This past Sunday, we held our first ever Crucial Conversations retreat. We had a great group of people come together to work out what are our priorities, who we are as a team and as individuals in that team, and our game plan for the year. Want to know more? Stay tuned! As of now,…

Posted by on September 7, 2015 in News

Welcome to the new year

Welcome to the new year! We met many wonderful potential new members at the fajita party, and we’re ready for this new year. If you didn’t have a chance to talk to us then, please feel free to email us for more information. For those of you who signed up to be on the core…

Posted by on August 25, 2015 in News

End-of-Year Message(s) from Crucial Conversations

Crucial Conversations supporters, Please see here for our end-of-year message: End-of-Year Message 2014-15. Thanks again to everyone who has supported us this year. Also, as some of you have heard, we have recently made the decision to become an official student organization. Acknowledging that there has been much discussion about this across campus this year, we…

Posted by on May 18, 2015 in News

Notes from CC 2015

At long last, we have cleaned up the notes from the debrief at the Crucial Conversations 2015 event. Thank you again to everyone who participated. As always, please let us know if you have any thoughts that you would like to share about our efforts moving forward. See the notes here.

Posted by on March 3, 2015 in News

Crucial Conversations 2015 Event!

We cordially invite you to a forum on discussing race and ethnicity. Crucial Conversations – a Peabody campus-wide initiative supported by the Peabody Coalition of Black Graduates, the Peabody Graduate Student Association, Common Ground, Peabody Queering and Embracing Diversity, and the Peabody Jewish Association – is hosting this event for the second time in our…

Posted by on January 19, 2015 in News

December 2014 Update

Hello Crucial Conversations members and supporters! We hope you all have had an enjoyable holiday thus far. First, some updates: The current set date for the 2015 Crucial Conversations event is Thursday, January 29th at 7:00pm. Mark your calendars! For those of you who attended last year’s event, we are looking for additional facilitators to…

Posted by on December 26, 2014 in News

Call for Peabody IDEAS Co-Facilitators

Happy holidays from the CC Mentoring and Orientation Taskforce! As you may have heard at a CC meeting, we have been busy starting up a program we are calling Peabody IDEAS (inter-department exploration and support) in order to institutionalize conversations about race, diversity, and other important topics among Peabody graduate students. This spring, we will…

Posted by on December 26, 2014 in News

October 2014 Update

October was an exciting month. The Crucial Conversations team has been hard at work, gathering information about the current state of affairs to more specifically determine the places where we need to focus for our various goals. In addition, we have been outlining potential solutions and initiatives to address these issues. Major updates from our…

Posted by on November 6, 2014 in News

Discussions happening right now!

Congratulations to the HOD, T&L, and LPO departments for having some very motivating discussions on how to change cultures and practice to support the kind of work that needs to be done to create a more inclusive campus. It is also important to note that three out of the last seven front pages of the…

Posted by on October 3, 2014 in News

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