Research Articles
(294) “Riesz Energy with a Radial External Field: When is the Equilibrium Support a Sphere?” (with Djalil Chafaï, Ryan W. Matzke, Minh Quan H. Vu, Robert S. Womersley), math arXiv:2405.00120
(293) On a problem of E. Meckes for the unitary eigenvalue process on an arc, (with Liudmyla Kryvonos), accepted by Analysis and Math Physics,
(292) Energy bounds for weighted spherical codes and designs via linear programming, (with Sergiy Borodachov, Peter Boyvalenkov, Peter Dragnev, Douglas Hardin, Maya Stoyanova) arXiv:2403.07457
(291) Universal minima of discrete potentials for sharp spherical codes, (with P. Boyvalenkov, P. Dragnev, D.P. Hardin and M. Stoyanova), accepted for publication in Revista Matemática Iberoamericana.
(290) On Polarization of Spherical Codes and Designs (with P. Boyvalenkov, P. Dragnev, D.P. Hardin and M. Stoyanova), JMAA (J. Math Analysis and Appl.) , Vol. 524, #1, August 2023, 127065. arXiv:2207.08807
(289) Archetype tasks link intratumoral heterogeneity to plasticity and 2cancer hallmarks in small cell lung cancer (with Sarah M. Groves et al), Cell Systems, Cell Systems, 2022 Sep 21;13(9):690-710.e17. doi: 10.1016/j.cels.2022.07.006. Epub 2022 Aug 17
(288) Point source equilibrium problems with connections to weighted quadrature domains, (with P. Dragnev and A. Legg), Indag. Math. (N.S.) 34 (2023), no. 2, 200–218. arXiv:2203.09421
(287) Threshold Condensation to Singular Support for a Riesz Equilibrium Problem (with Djalil Chafaï and Robert S. Womersley), Analysis and Math Phys, 13 (2023), article 19.
(286) On the solution of a Riesz equilibrium problem and integral
identities for special functions (with Djalil Chafaï and Robert S. Womersley) J. Math. Anal. and App., Volume 515, Issue 1, 1 November 2022, 126367
(285) Asymptotics of k-nearest neighbor Riesz energies (with D.P. Hardin and O.Vlasiuk), Constructive Approximation journal, DOI:, April, 2023.
(284) Riesz Energy Problems with External Fields and Related Theory (with P. Dragnev, R. Orive and F. Wielonsky), Constr. Approx. 57 (2023), no. 1, 1–43.
(283) Universal Bounds for Size and Energy of Codes of Given Minimum and Maximum Distances, (with P. Boyvalenkov, P. Dragnev, D.P. Hardin and M. Stoyanova), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3569-3584, June 2021, doi: 10.1109/TIT.2021.3056319.
(282) Dynamics of particles on a curve with pairwise hyper-singular repulsion (with D. Hardin, R. Shu, E. Tadmor), Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 41, 2021, 55095536. arXiv:2010.05431
(281) Upper bounds for energies of spherical codes of given cardinality and separation,(with P. Boyvalenkov, P. Dragnev, D.P. Hardin and M. Stoyanova) Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol. 88, 2020, 1811-1826.
(280) On the search for tight frames of low coherence, (with X. Chen and D. Hardin), J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 27, 2 (2021) arXiv:2002.06452
(279) On two problems concerning universal bounds for codes, (with P. Boyvalenkov, P. Dragnev, D.P. Hardin and M. Stoyanova) Proc. XVI International Symposium “Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems”, 2019, 58-63.
(278) Linear programming bounds for energy and cardinality of codes of given min and max distances,(with P. Boyvalenkov, P. Dragnev, D.P. Hardin and M. Stoyanova) Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Paris, July 2019, 1747-1751 (
(277) Bounds for spherical codes: the Levenshtein framework lifted (with P. Boyvalenkov, P. Dragnev, D.P. Hardin and M. Stoyanova), Math. Comp. 20 (2021), 1323-1356.
(276) Unconstrained Polarization (Chebyshev) Problems: Basic Properties and Riesz Kernel Asymptotics (with D. Hardin, and M. Petrache) Potential Analysis, 56(2022), no.1, 2164.
Corrigendum: Potential Analysis, Vol. 59 (2023), no. 4, 2123-2130.
(275) Perturbations of Christoffel-Darboux Kernels. I: Detection of Outliers (with B. Beckermann, M. Putinar, and N. Stylianopoulos) FoCM, accepted, 2020,
(274) Inverse Potential Problems for Divergence of Measures with Total Variation Regularization (with L. Baratchart, C.Guillen, D. Hardin, M. Northington) FoCM, accepted.
(273) Energy Bounds for Codes in Polynomial Metric Spaces (with P. Boyvalenkov, P. Dragnev, D.P. Hardin and M. Stoyanova), Analysis and Math Physics, 9(2), 781-808, 2019.
(272) Asymptotic Linear Programming Lower Bounds for the Energy of Minimizing Riesz and Gauss Configurations (with D.P. Hardin and T.J. Michaels) Mathematika, 65, 2019, no. 1, 157-180
(271) On spherical codes with inner products in a prescribed interval (with P. Boyvalenkov, P. Dragnev, D. Hardin, and M. Stoyanova), Des. Codes Cryptogr. 87 (2-3), 299–315, 2019. [PDF]
(270)Condensers with touching plates and constrained minimum Riesz and Green energy problems (with P.D. Dragnev, B. Fuglede, D.P. Hardin, and N. Zorii), Constructive Approximation, vol. 50(3), 369-401 (2019) .
(269) Constrained minimum Riesz energy problems for a condenser with intersecting plates (with P.D. Dragnev, B. Fuglede, D.P. Hardin, and N. Zorii), Journal d’Analyse Mathematique,2020, DOI 10.1007/s11854-020-0091-x.
(268) Local properties of Riesz minimal energy configurations and equilibrium measures (with D. Hardin, A. Reznikov and A. Volberg), International Math Research Notices IMRN 2019(16), 5066–5086 (2019) [PDF]
(267) Logarithmic and Riesz equilibrium for multiple sources on the sphere-the exceptional case (with J. Brauchart, P. Dragnev, and R. Womersley), In: Contemporary Computational Mathematics – a celebration of the 80th birthday of Ian Sloan (J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo, H. Wozniakowski, eds.), Springer Nature, 179-204 (2018)
(266) Large deviation principles for hypersingular Riesz gases (with D.P. Hardin, T. Leblé, and S. Serfaty), Constr. Approx., 48(1), 2018, 61–100. [PDF]
(265) Covering and separation of Chebyshev points for non-integrable Riesz potentials
(with A. Reznikov and A. Volberg), J. Complexity, 46 (2018), 19-44 [PDF]
(264)A Minimum Principle for Potentials with Application to Chebyshev Constants (with A. Reznikov and O. Vlasiuk), Potential Analysis, 47 (2017), no. 2, 235–244 [PDF]
(263) Relative Asymptotics of Orthogonal Polynomials for Perturbed Measures (with N. Stylianopoulos),Sbornik: Mathematics(2018), 209 (3):449 [PDF]
(262) A Comparison of Popular Point Configurations on S^2 (with D. Hardin and T. Michaels), Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, vol.9, 2016, 16-49.
(261) Optimal discrete measures for Riesz potentials, (with Sergiy V Borodachov, Douglas P. Hardin, Alexander Reznikov) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 370(10), 2018, 6973-6993. [PDF]
(260) Generating Point Configurations via Hypersingular Riesz Energy with an External Field ( with D. Hardin and O. Vlasiuk) SIAM J. Math Analysis, 49 (2017), no. 1, 646–673. . [PDF]
(259) Random Point Sets on the Sphere-Hole Radii, Covering, and Separation (with J. Brauchart, A. Reznikov, I. Sloan, Y.G. Wang and R. Womersley) Experimental Math., 27 (2018), no. 1, 62-81. [PDF]
(258) Universal Upper and Lower Bounds on Energy of Spherical Designs (with P.G. Boyvalenkov, P. Dragnev, D. Hardin, and M. Stoyanova, Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, vol. 8, 2015, 51-65. [PDF]
(257) Energy Bounds for Codes and Designs in Hamming Spaces (with P.G. Boyvalenkov, P. Dragnev, D. Hardin, and M. Stoyanova) Designs, Codes and Cryptography. Des. Codes Cryptogr. 82 (2017), no. 1-2, 411–433. 94B65 [PDF]
(256) Next Order Energy Asymptotics for Riesz Potentials on Flat Tori”
(with D. Hardin, E. Saff, B. Simanek and Y. Su) Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2017, no. 12, 3529–3556.[PDF]
(255) Minimum Riesz Energy Problems for a Condenser with “Touching Plates” (with P. Dragnev, B.Fuglede, D. Hardin, and N. Zorii), Potential Anal. 44 (2016), no. 3, 543–577. [PDF]
(254) The Covering Radius of Randomly Distributed Points on a Manifold (with A. Reznikov), Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2016, no. 19, 6065–6094. [PDF]
(253) Universal Lower Bounds for Potential Energy of Spherical Codes (with P. Boyvalenkov, P. Dragnev, D. Hardin, and M. Stoyanova), Constr. Approx. 44 (2016), no. 3, 385–415. [PDF]
(252) Covering of Spheres by Spherical Caps and Worst-Case Error for Equal
Weight Cubature in Sobolev Spaces (with J. S. Brauchart, J. Dick, I. H. Sloan, YG. Wang and R. S. Womersley), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 431 (2015), no. 2, 782–811. [PDF]
(251) On the Zeros of Asymptotically Extremal Polynomials in the plane (with N. Stylianopoulos), J. Approx. Theory, 191 (2015), 118–127. [PDF]
(250) Orthogonal Polynomials for Area-type Measures and Image Recovery (with H. Stahl, N. Stylianopoulos, and V. Totik), SIAM J. Math. Anal. 47 (2015), no. 3, 2442–2463 [PDF]
(249) Periodic Discrete Energy for Long-Range Potentials (with D. Hardin and B. Simanek), J. Math Physics, 55, 123509 (2014) [PDF]
(248) An Electrostatics Problem on the Sphere Arising from a Nearby Point Charge (with J. Brauchart and P. Dragnev), In Constructive Theory of Functions (ed. K. Ivanov, G. Nikolov, R. Uluchev), Sozopol 2013, pp. 11-55, Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, (2014) [PDF]
(247) Riesz External Field Problems on the Hypersphere and Optimal Point Separation (with J. Brauchart and P. Dragnev), Potential Analysis, vol. 41 (2014), 647–678.
(246) Inverse Bernstein Inequalities and Min-Max-Min Problems on the Unit Circle (with T. Erdelyi and D. Hardin), Mathematika, vol. 61 (2015), no. 3, 581–590. [PDF]
(245) Low Complexity Methods for Discretizing Manifolds via Riesz Energy Minimization (with S. Borodachov and D. Hardin), Found. Comput. Math. 14 (2014), no. 6, 1173–1208.[PDF]
(244) Reverse Triangle Inequalities for Riesz Potentials and Connections with Polarization (with I. Pritsker and W. Wise), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 410 (2014), no. 2, 868–881.[PDF]
(243) Determining Singularities Using Row Sequences of Pade-Orthogonal Approximants (with N. Bosuwan and G. Lopez Lagomasino), Jaen J. Approx. 5 (2013), no. 2, 179–208. [PDF]
(242) Mesh Ratios for Best-Packing and Limits of Minimal Energy Configurations (with A. Bondarenko and D. Hardin), Acta Math. Hungar. 142 (2014), no. 1, 118–131. [PDF]
(241) Fast Inversion of Unidirectional Planar Magnetizations (with E.A. Lima, B.T. Weiss, L. Baratchart, and D.P. Hardin), J. Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 118 (2013), 2723-2752. [PDF]
(240) QMC Designs: Optimal Order Quasi Monte Carlo Integration Schemes on the Sphere (with J.S. Brauchart, I.H. Sloan, and R.S. Womersley), Math. Comp. 83 (2014), no. 290, 2821–2851.[PDF]
(239) Polarization Optimality of Equally Spaced Points on the Circle for Discrete Potentials (with D. Hardin and A. Kendall), Discrete Comput. Geom. 50 (2013), no. 1, 236–243. [PDF]
(238) Riesz polarization in higher dimensions (with T. Erdelyi), J. Approx. Theory, vol. 171 (2013), 128-147. [PDF]
(237) Asymptotics for Hessenberg Matrices for the Bergman Shift Operator on Jordan Regions (with N. Stylianopoulos), Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, vol. 8 (2014), 1–24. [PDF]
(236) Characterizing Kernels of Operators Related to Thin Plate Magnetizations via Generalizations of Hodge Decompositions (with L. Baratchart, D.P. Hardin, E.A. Lima, and B.P. Weiss), Inverse Problems 29 (2013), no. 1, 015004, 29 pp. [PDF]
(235) The Next-Order Term for Minimal Riesz and Logarithmic Energy Asymptotics on the Sphere (with J.S. Brauchart and D.P. Hardin), Contemp. Math., Vol. 578 (2012), 31-61. [PDF]
(234) On Finite-Term Recurrence Relations for Bergman and Szegö Polynomials (with L. Baratchart and N.S. Stylianopoulos), Computational Methods and Function Theory, Volume 12 (2012), No 2, 393-402. [PDF]
(233) Quasi-uniformity of Minimal Weighted Energy Points (with D. Hardin and T. Whitehouse), Journal of Complexity. Vol. 28, Issue 2, (2012), 177-191. [PDF]
(232) A Fascinating Polynomial Sequence Arising From An Electrostatics Problem on the Sphere (with J.S. Brauchart, P.D. Dragnev, and C.E. Van de Woestijne), Acta Mathematica Hungarica: Volume 137, Issue 1 (2012), Page 10-26. [PDF]
(231) Borcea’s Variance Conjectures on the Critical Points of Polynomials (with D. Khavinson, R. Pereira, M. Putinar and S. Shimorin), in “Notions of Positivity and the Geometry of Polynomials” (Editors: P. Brändén, M. Passare, M. Putinar), Series: Trends in Mathematics, Birkhauser, Basel, (2011), 283-310. [PDF]
(230) Logarithmic Potential Theory with Applications to Approximation Theory, Surveys in Approximation Theory, Volume 5, 2010. pp. 165–200. [PDF]
(229) Minimal N-Point Diameters and f-Best-Packing Constants in R^d (with A.V. Bondarenko and D.P. Hardin), accepted for publication, Proceedings American Mathematics Society. [PDF]
(228) Discrete Energy Asymptotics on a Riemannian Circle (with J.S. Brauchart and D.P. Hardin), Uniform Distribution Theory, vol. 7, no. 2, (2012), 77-108. [PDF]
(227) Remarks on Relative Asymptotics of General Orthogonal Polynomials, Contemp. Math., vol. 507, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2010, pp. 233-239. [PDF]
(226) Riesz Extremal Measures on the Sphere for Axis-Supported External Fields (with J.S. Brauchart and P.D. Dragnev), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 356 (2009) 769-792. [PDF]
(225) Asymptotics of Greedy Energy Points (with Abey Lopez), Math. Comp. vol. 79 (2010), 2287-2316. [PDF]
(224) Bergman polynomials on an Archipelago: Estimates, Zeros and Shape Reconstruction (with B. Gustafsson, M. Putinar, and N. Stylianopoulos), Advances in Math, 222 (2009) 1405-1460. [PDF]
(223) The Riesz Energy of the N-th Roots of Unity: An Asymptotic Expansion for Large N (with J.S. Brauchart and D.P. Hardin), Bull. London Math. Soc. 41 (2009), no. 4, 621-633. [PDF]
(222) Reverse Triangle Inequalities for Potentials (with I. E. Pritsker), J. Approx. Theory 159 (2009), no. 1, 109-127. [PDF]
(221) Riesz Energy and Sets of Revolution in R3 (with Johann S. Brauchart and Douglas P. Hardin), In Functional Analysis and Complex Analysis, 47-57, Contemp. Math., 481, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2009. [PDF]
(220) Ratios of Norms for Polynomials and Connected n-width Problems (with V.A. Prokhorov and M. Yattselev), Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 3 (2009), no. 2, 501-524. [PDF]
(219) Les polynômes orthogonaux de Bergman sur un archipel (French) [Bergman orthogonal polynomials on an archipelago] (with Björn Gustafsson, Mihai Putinar and Nikos Stylianopoulos), C.R. Math Acad. Sci. Paris 346 (2008), no. 9-10, pp. 499-502. [PDF]
(218) Higher-Order Three-Term Recurrences and Asymptotics of Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials (with A.I. Aptekarev and V.A. Kalyagin), Constr. Approx. 30 (2009), no. 2, 175223. [PDF]
(217) Asymptotics of Weighted Best-Packing on Rectifiable Sets (with S. V. Borodachov and D. P. Hardin), (Russian) Mat. Sb. 199 (2008), no. 11, 3-20; translation in Sb. Math. 199 (2008), no. 11-12, 1579-1595. [PDF]
(216) The Support of the Limit Distribution of Optimal Riesz Energy Points on Sets of Revolution in R3 (with J. Brauchart and D. Hardin), J. Math. Phys, 48 (2007), no. 12, 122901, 24 pp. [PDF]
(215) Menke Points on the Real Line and Their Connection to Classical Orthogonal Polynomials (with P. Mathur and J.S. Brauchart), J. Comput. Appl. Math. vol. 233 (2010), no. 6, pp. 1416–1431. [PDF]
(214) Asymptotics of Orthogonal Polynomials with Respect to an Analytic Weight with Algebraic Singularities on the Circle (with A. Martínez-Finkelshtein and K. T.-R. McLaughlin), International Mathematics Research Notices, Vol. 2006, pp. 1-43. [PDF]
(213) Asymptotics for Polynomial Zeros: Beware of Predictions from Plots (with N.S. Stylianopoulos), Computational Methods and Function Theory, Vol. 8 (2008), pp. 385-407. [PDF]
(212) Asymptotics of best-packing on rectifiable sets (with S. V. Borodachov and D. P. Hardin), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 135 (2007), pp. 2369-2380.
Download: [PDF]
(211) Riesz Spherical Potentials with External Fields and Minimal Energy Points Separation (with P. Dragnev), Potential Analysis, Vol. 26, No. 2 (2007), pp. 139-162.
Download: [PDF]
(210) The Support of the Logarithmic Equilibrium Measure on Sets of Revolution in R3, (with D. Hardin and H. Stahl), J. Math. Phys., Vol. 48, No. 2 (2007), 122901, 14 pp.
Download: [PDF]
(209) Zero Distribution of Muntz Extremal Polynomials in Lp[0,1] (with D. Lubinsky), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 135 (2007), pp. 427-435.
Download: [PDF]
(208) Asymptotics for Discrete Weighted Minimal Riesz Energy Problems on Rectifiable Sets (with S.V. Borodachov and D.P. Hardin), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 360 (2008), pp. 1559-1580.
Download: [PDF]
(207) 2-D Inverse Problems for the Laplacian: a Meromorphic Approximation Approach (with L. Baratchart, F. Mandréa and F. Wielonsky), Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliqués, Volume 86, Issue 1, July 2006, Pages 1-41.
Download: [PDF]
(206) A Remez-Type Theorem for Homogeneous Polynomials ( with A. Kroo and M. Yattslev), J. London Math. Soc., Vol 73, No. 2 (2006), pp. 783-796.
Download: [PDF]
(205) On Separation of Minimal Riesz Energy Points on Spheres in Euclidean Spaces ( with A. B. J. Kuijlaars and X. Sun), Journal Comp. & Applied Math., Vol 199, No. 1 (2007), pp. 172-180
Download: [PDF]
(204) Potential Theoretic Tools in Polynomial and Rational Approximation (with A.L. Levin), in Harmonic Analysis and Rational Approximation, Vol. 327 (Fournier, Grimm, Leblond, Partington, Eds.), Springer, 2006, pp. 71-94. Download: [PDF]
(203) Szego Orthogonal Polynomials with respect to an Analytic Weight: Canonical Represenation and Strong Asymptotics (with A. Martinez-Finkelshtein and K. T.-R. McLaughlin), Constructive Approximation, Vol. 24, No. 3 (2006), pp. 319-363. Download: [PDF]
(202) Zero Distributions for Polynomials Orthogonal with Weights over Certain Planar Regions (E. Mina-Diaz and N.S. Stylianopoulos), Computational Methods and Function Theory, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2005), pp. 185-221. Download: [PDF]
(201) Discretizing Manifolds via Minimum Energy Points (with D.P. Hardin), Notices of the American Mathematics Society, November 2004, pp. 1186-1194. Download: [PDF]
(200) Jackson-Type Theorems on Some Transcendental Curves in R^n (with A. Kroo), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 301, No. 2 (2005), pp. 255-264. Download: [PDF]
(199) Minimal Riesz Energy Point Configurations for Rectifiable d-Dimensional Manifolds (with D.P. Hardin), Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 193 , No. 1 (2005), pp. 174-204. Download: [PDF]
(198) On Blaschke Products Associated with n-widths (with L. Baratchart and V.A. Prokhorov), Journal of Approx. Theory, Vol. 126, No. 1 (2004), pp. 40-51. Download: [PDF]
(197) Determining Radii of Meromorhphy via Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle (with B. Barrios and G. Lopez) Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 124, No. 2 (2003), pp. 263-281. Download: [PDF]
(196) Asymptotics for Minimal Discrete Riesz Energy on Curves in R^d (with A. Martinez-Finkelshtein, V. Maymeskul, and E. A. Rakhmanov) Canadian Journbal of Mathematics, Vol. 56 (2004), pp. 529-552. Download: [PDF]
(195) Zeros of Polynominals Orthogonal over Regular N-gons (with V. Maymeskul), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 122 (2003), pp. 129-140. Download: [PDF]
(194) Zero Distribution of Bergman Orthogonal Polynomials for Certain Planar Domains (with A. L. Levin and N. S. Stylianopoulos), Constructive Approximation, Vol. 19, No. 3 (2003), pp. 411-435. Download: [PDF]
(193) Asymptotics for Minimal Blaschke Products and Best L1 Meromorphic Approximants of Markov functions (with L. Baratchart, V. Prokhorov), Computational Methods and Function Theory, Vol 1. (2001), pp. 501-520. Download: [PDF]
(192) Note on d-extremal configurations for the sphere in R^(d+1) (with M. Gotz), Recent progress in multivariate approximation, Internat. Ser. Numer. Math., Birkhauser, Basel, Vol. 137 (2001), pp. 159-162. Download: [PDF]
(191) Asymptotic Properties of Heine-Stieltjes and Van Vleck Polynomials (with A. Martinez Finkelshtein), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 118 (2002), pp. 131-151. Download: [PDF]
(190) Asymptotic distribution of nodes for near-optimal polynomial interpolation on certain curves in R^2 (with M. Goetz, V.Maymeskul), Constructive Approximation, Vol. 18, No. 3 (2002), pp. 255-283. Download: [PDF]
(189) On Hankel operators associated with Markov functions (with L. Barachart and V.A. Prokhorov), Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., Birkhauser, Basel, Vol. 129 (2001), pp. 57-69. Download: [PDF]
(188) Zero location for nonstandard orthogonal polynomials (with A. Duran), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 113, No. 1 (2001), pp. 127-141 Download: [PDF]
(187) Asymptotics of Orthogonal Polynomials inside the Unit Circle and Szego-Pade Approximants (with D. Barrios and G. Lopez Lagomasino), Journal of Computational and Applied Math, Vol. 133 (2001), pp. 171-181. Download: [PDF]
(186) An Extension of E. Bishop’s Localization Theorem (with A. Danielyan), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 133 (2001), pp. 127-141. Download: [PDF]
(185) The Distribution of Zeros and Poles of Asymtotically Extremal Rational Functions for Zolotarev’s Problem (with A.L. Levin), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 110 (2001), pp. 88-108. Download: [PDF]
(184) Asymptotics for Minimal Blaschke Products and Best L1 Meromorphic Approximants of Markov Functions (with L.Baratchart and V.A. Prokhorov), Foundations of Computational Math., Vol. 1 (2001), pp. 385-416. Download: [PDF]
(183) Weighted L^2 Rational Approximation and Consistency (with J. Leblond and F. Wielonsky), Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 90, No. 3 (2002), pp. 521-553. Download: [PDF]
(182) L^2 – Approximations of Power and Logarithmic Functions with Application to Numerical Conformal Mapping (with V.V. Maymeskul and N.S. Stylianopoulos), Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 91, No. 3 (2002), pp. 503-542. Download: [PDF]
(181) Asymptotics of Weighted Polynomials on Varying Discrete Sets(with S.B. Damelin) (submitted).
(180) The Sensitivity of Least Squares Polynomial Approximation (with B. Beckermann) International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, Vol. 131 (1999), pp. 1-19. Download: [PDF]
(179) Ray Sequences of Best Rational Approximants to Entire Functions (with V. Prokhorov and A. V. Krot), Approximation Theory IX, Vanderbilt University Press, Vol. 1 (1998), pp. 175-200. Download: [PDF]
(178) How can Meromorphic Approximation Help to Solve some 2D Inverse Problems for the Laplacian ? (with L. Baratchart, J. LeBlond, and F. Mandrea), Inverse Problems Journal, Vol. 15. (1999), pp. 79-90. Download: [PDF]
(177) Potential and Discrepancy Estimates for Weighted Extremal Points (with M. Gotz), Constructive Approximation, Vol. 16 (1999), pp. 541-557. Download: [PDF]
(176) Rational Approximation with Varying Weights III (with P. C. Simeonov), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 103 (2000), pp. 341-362. Download: [PDF]
(175) Asymptotics of the Information Entropy for Jacobi and Laguerre Polynomials with Varying Weights (with V.S. Buyarov, J.S. Dehesa, and A. Martinez-Finkelshtein), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 99. (1999), pp. 153-166. Download: [PDF]
(174) Zero Asymptotic Behavior for Orthogonal Matrix Polynomials (with A.J. Duran and P. Lopez-Rodriguez), Journal d’Analyse Mathematique, Vol. 78 (1999), pp. 37-60. Download: [PDF]
(173) On Meromorphic Approximation (with V.A. Prokhorov), Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 25 (2000), pp. 305-321. Download: [PDF]
(172) A Problem in Potential Theory and Zero Asymptotics of Krawtchouk Polynomials (with P.D. Dragnev), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol 102 (2000), pp 120-140. Download: [PDF]
(171) Fast Decreasing Rationals (with A.L. Levin), Israel Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 114 (1999), pp. 125-148. Download: [PDF]
(170) Rates of Best Uniform Rational Approximation of Analytic Functions (with V. Prokhorov), Constructive Approximation, Vol. 15(2), (1999), pp. 155-173. Download: [PDF]
(169) The Asymptotic Distribution of Zeros of Minimal Blaschke Products (with S.D. Fisher), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 98 (1999), pp. 104-116. Download: [PDF]
(168) Constrained Energy Problems with Applications to Orthogonal Polynomials of a Discrete Variable. (with P.D. Dragnev), Journal d’Analyse Mathematique (Jerusalem), Vol. 72 (1997), pp. 223-259. Download: [PDF]
(167) Estimating the Argument of Some Analytic Functions, (with A.Z. Grinshpan), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 88 (1997), pp. 135-138. Download: [PDF]
(166) Rational Approximation with Varying Weights II, (with E.A. Rakhmanov and P.C. Simenov), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 92 (1998), pp. 331-338. Download: [PDF]
(165) Open Problems in Approximation Theory, Tampa ’96, (with P.D. Dragnev), East Journal on Approximations, Vol. 2(4) (1997). Download: [PDF]
(164) A Criterion for Uniqueness of a Critical Point in H2 Rational Approximation, (L. Baratchart and F. Wielonsky), Journal d’Analyse Mathematique, Vol. 70 (1996), pp. 225-266. Download: [PDF]
(163) Rational Approximation with Locally Geometric Rates,(with A. L. Levin and V. V. Maimeskul), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 92 (1998), pp. 308-330. Download: [PDF]
(162) Gibb’s Phenomenonfor Best L(p) Approximation by Polygonal Lines, (with S. Tashev), East Journal on Approximation, Vol. 5 (1999), pp. 235-251. Download: [PDF]
(161) Distributing Many Points on a Sphere, (with A. B. J. Kuijlaars), Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 19 (1997), pp. 5-11. Download: [PDF]
(160) Approximation of Conformal Mappings of Annular Regions,(with N. Papamichael, I. E. Pritsker and N. S. Stylianopoulos), Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 76 (1997), pp. 489-513. Download: [PDF]
(159) Asymptotics for Minimal Discrete Energy on the Sphere (with A. B. J. Kuijlaars) Transactions of Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 350(2), (Feb. 1998), pp. 523-538. Download: [PDF]
(158) Asymptotic Zero Distribution of Laurent-Type Rational Functions, (with N. Papamichael and I. E. Pritsker), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 89 (1997), pp. 58-88. Download: [PDF]
(157) Rational Approximation with Varying Weights I (with P. Borwein and E. A. Rakhmanov), Constructive Approximation, Vol. 12 (1996), pp. 223-240. Download: [PDF]
(156) Electrons on the Sphere, (with E.A. Rakhmanov, andY.M. Zhou), Computational Methods and Function Theory, (R. M. Ali, S. Ruscheweyh, and E. B. Saff, eds.), World Scientific, (1995), pp. 293-309. Download: [PDF]
(155) Minimal Discrete Energy on the Sphere (with E.A. Rakhmanov and Y.M. Zhou), Mathematical Research Letters, Vol. 1 (1994), pp. 647-662. Download: [PDF]
(154) Asymptotic Distribution of the Zeros of Faber Polynomials (with A.B.J. Kuijlaars), Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. 118 (1995), pp. 437-447. Download: [PDF]
(153) Behavior of Lagrange Interpolants to the Absolute Value Function in Equally Spaced Points (with Xin Li), Rendiconti di Matematica, Vol. 14 (1994), pp. 309-329. Download: [PDF]
(152) Wavelet Compression and Segmentation of DigitalMammograms, (with B.J. Lucier, M. Kallergi, Wei Zian, R.A. DeVore, R.A. Clark, and L.P. Clarke), Journal of Digital Imaging, Vol. 7(1) (1994), pp. 27-38. Download: [PDF]
(151) Estimating the Argument of Approximate Conformal Mappings (with A. Grinshpan), Complex Variables, Vol. 26 (1994), pp. 191-202. Download: [PDF]
(150) Behavior of Polynomials of Best Hp Approximation (with M.P. Moskova), Indagationes Mathematicae, N.S., Vol. 6(1) (1995), pp. 105-119. Download: [PDF]
(149) Zeros of Pade Approximants for Entire Functions with Smooth Maclaurin Coefficients (with R. Kovacheva), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 79 (1994), pp. 347-384. Download: [PDF]
(148) L(p) Extensions of Gonchar’s Inequality for RationalFunction’s (with A.L. Levin), Russian Acad. Sci. Sbornik Math., Vol. 76(1993), pp. 199-210. (Transl. of # 136.) Download: [PDF]
(147) Gibb’s Phenomenon for Best L1-Trigonometric Polynomial Approximation (with E. Moskona and P. Petrushev), Constructive Approximation, Vol. 11 (1995), pp. 391-416. Download: [PDF]
(146) Wavelets for training a neural network to recognize objects (with J. Pedersen and K. Schweiker), Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Automated Target Recognition III, Volume 1960 (1993), pp. 244-254. Download: [PDF]
(145) Asymptotic Distribution of Poles and Zeros of Best Rational Approximants to x^(alpha) on [0, 1], (with Herbert Stahl), Proceedings of the “Semester on Function Theory”, International Branch Center, Warsaw, 1992, Vol. 31(1995), pp. 329-348. Download: [PDF]
(144) Rational Interpolation of the Exponential Function (with L. Baratchart and F. Wielonsky), Canadian Journal ofMathematics, Vol. 47(6) (1995), pp. 1121-1147. Download: [PDF]
(143) Behavior of Alternation Points in Best Rational Approximation (with D. Braess, and D. S. Lubinsky), Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, Vol. 33 (1993), pp.195-210. Download: [PDF]
(142) Ray Sequences of Best Rational Approximants for |x|à (with Herbert Stahl), Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 49(5) (1997), pp. 1034-1065. Download: [PDF]
(141) Intermediate Rows of the Walsh Array of Best Rational Approximants to Meromorphic Functions, (with Xiaoyan Liu), Methods and Applications of Analysis, Vol. 2.3 (1995), pp.269-284. Download: [PDF]
(140) Optimal Ray Sequences of Rational Functions for Zolotarov’s problem (with A. L. Levin), Constructive Approximation, Volume 10 (1994), pp. 235-273. Download: [PDF] Errata: [PDF]
(139) The Zeros of Faber Polynomials for an m-Cusped Hypocycloid(with M. X. He), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol.78 (1994), pp.410-432. Download: [PDF]
(138) Markov-Bernstein and Nikolskii Inequalities, and Christoffel Functions for Exponential Weights on [-1, 1] (with D.S. Lubinsky), SIAM Math Analysis, Vol. 24 (1993), pp. 528- 556. Download: [PDF]
(137) Asymptotics for Zeros of Szego Polynomials Associatedwith Trigonometric Polynomial Signals (with K. Pan), J. of Approx. Theory, Vol. 71 (1992), pp. 239-251. Download: [PDF]
(136) Lp Extensions of Gonchar’s Inequality for Rational Functions, (with A.L. Levin), Russian Acad. Sci. Sbornik Math., Vol. 76 (1993), pp. 199-210. Mat. Sbornik, Vol. 183 (1992), pp. 97-110. Download: [PDF]
(135) On the Denseness of Weighted Incomplete Approximations (with P. Borwein), Progress in Approx. Theory (A. A. Gonchar & E. B. Saff, eds.) Springer-Verlag (1992) pp. 419-429. Download: [PDF]
(134) Exact Convergence Rates for Best Lp Rational Approximation to the Signum Function and for Optimal Quadrature in Hp, (with A. L. Levin), Methods of Approximation Theory in Complex Analysis and Mathematical Physics (A. A. Gonchar and E. B. Saff, eds.) Moscow “Nauka” (1992) pp. 98-109. Download: [PDF]
(133) Distribution of Interpolation Points of Best L2- Approximants (n-th Partial Sums of Fourier Series) (with P. Binev, P. Petrushev and O. Trifonov), Constructive Approximation Journal, Vol. 9 (1993), pp. 445-472. Download: [PDF]
(132) Remez and Nikolskii Type Inequalities for Logarithmic Potentials, (with T. Erd‚lyi and X. Li), SIAM J. Math Analysis, Vol. 25.2 (1994), pp. 365-383. Download: [PDF]
(131) Local Behavior of the Error in the Bergman Kernel Method for Numerical Conformal Mapping (with N. Papamichael), Journal of Comp. and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 46 (1993), pp. 65-75. Download: [PDF]
(130) Local Convergence of Lagrange Interpolation Associatedwith Equidistant Nodes (with X. Li), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 78 (1994), pp. 213-325. Download: [PDF]
(129) Sequences in the Walsh Table for |x|^alpha (withH. Stahl),Constructive Theory of Functions, (K. Ivanov, P. Petrushev, and Bl. Sendov, eds.), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, (1992) pp. 249-257. Download: [PDF]
(128) Szego Polynomials and Frequency Analysis (withW. B. Jones), Approximation Theory (G. A. Anastassiou, ed.) Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York (1992), pp. 341-352. Download: [PDF]
(127) A Minimal Solution Approach to Polynomial Asymptotics (with M. E. H. Ismail and D. Masson), Proceedings of Conference on Orthogonal Polynomials and Their Applications (eds. C. Brezinski, L. Gori, and A. Ronveaux) J.C. Baltzer AG, (1991), pp. 299-303. Download: [PDF]
(126) On Zeros of Hankel Determinants with Iterated Polynomial Entries (with A. Iserles and Xiaoyan Liu), IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, Vol. 12 (1992), pp. 387-403. Download: [PDF]
(125) Weighted Analogues of Capacity, Transfinite Diameter and Chebyshev Constant (with H.N. Mhaskar), Constructive Approximation Journal, Vol. 8 (1992), pp. 105-124. Download: [PDF]
(124) Asymptotic Behavior of Zeros of Bieberbach Polynomials (with N. Papamichael and J. Gong), J. of Comp. & Applied Mathematics, Vol. 34 (1991), pp. 325-342. Download: [PDF]
(123) Szego Type Asymptotics for Minimal Blaschke Products (with A. L. Levin), Progress in Approximation Theory (A. A. Gonchar and E. B. Saff, eds.), Springer-Verlag (1992), pp. 105-126. Download: [PDF]
(122) What Parts of a Measure’s Support Attract Zeros of the Corresponding Orthogonal Polynomials? (with Vilmos Totik), Proceedings Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 114 (1992), pp. 185-190. Download: [PDF]
(121) An Extension of a Row Convergence Theorem for Vector Pade‚ Approximants(with P.R. Graves-Morris), Journal of Comp. and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 34 (1991), pp. 315-324. Download: [PDF]
(120) Some Characterization Theorems for Measures Associated with Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle, (with K. Pan), Approximation Theory and Functional Analysis (C. K. Chui, ed.) (1991), pp. 121-131. Download: [PDF]
(119) Best Polynomial Approximation with Linear Constraints (with K. Pan), Journal Canadian Math. Soc., Vol 44 (1992), pp.1289-1302. Download: [PDF]
(118) Interpolatory Properties of Best L2-Approximants (with B. Shekhtman), Indagationes Mathematicae, Vol. 1(4) (1990), pp. 489-498. Download: [PDF]
(117) Szego Polynomials Associated with Wiener-Levinson Filters (with W.B. Jones and O. Nj†stad), Journ. of Comp. and Applied Math, Vol. 32 (1990), pp. 387-406. Download: [PDF]
(116) On Nevai’s Characterization of Measures with Positive Derivative (with X. Li), Journal of Approx. Theory, Vol. 63 (1990), pp. 191-197. Download: [PDF]
(115) Orthogonal Polynomials from a Complex Perspective, Orthogonal Polynomials: Theory and Practice (Paul Nevai, ed.), Kluwer Acad. Pub., Dordrecht, (1990), pp. 363- 393. Download: [PDF]
(114) The Distribution of Zeros of Asymptotically Extremal polynomials (with H.N. Mhaskar), Journal of Approx. Theory, Vol. 65 (1991), pp. 279-300. Download: [PDF]
(113) Behavior of Best Lp Polynomial Approximants on the Unit Interval and on the Unit Circle (with X. Li and Z. Sha), Journal of Approx. Theory, Vol. 63 (1990), pp.170-190. Download: [PDF]
(112) Behavior of the Lagrange Interpolants in the Roots of Unity (with K.G. Ivanov), Computational Methods and Function Theory (S. Ruscheweyh, et al, eds), Lecture Notes Series, Vol. 1435, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1990), pp. 81-87. Download: [PDF]
(111) The Representation of Functions in Terms of their Divided Differences at Chebyshev Nodes and the Roots of Unity (with K.G. Ivanov and T.J. Rivlin), Journal London Math. Soc., Vol. 42 (1990), pp. 309 – 328. Download: [PDF]
(110) Nongeometric Convergence of Best Lp(p 2) Polynomial Approximants (with K.G. Ivanov), Proceedings Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 110 (1990), pp. 377-382. Download: [PDF]
(109) Szego Asymptotics for non-Szeg Weights on [-1,1] (with D. S. Lubinsky), Approximation Theory VI, Vol. 2, (C.K. Chui, L.L. Schumaker, & J.D. Ward (eds.)), Academic Press, San Diego, (1989), pp. 409-412. Download: [PDF]
(108) Zeros of Chebyshev Polynomials Associated with a Compact Set in the Plane (with V. Totik), SIAM J. Math. Analysis, Vol. 21 (1990), pp. 799-802. Download: [PDF]
(107) On Transformations and Zeros of Polynomials (with A. Iserles and S.P. N rsett), Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 21 (1991), pp. 331-357. Download: [PDF]
(106) On the Behavior of Zeros of Polynomials of Best and Near Best Approximation (with K.G. Ivanov and V. Totik), Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 43 (1991), pp. 1010-1021. Download: [PDF]
(105) Divergence of Vector-Valued Rational Interpolants to Meromorphic Functions (with P.R. Graves-Morris), Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 21 (1991), pp. 245- 261. Download: [PDF]
(104) On the Distribution of Zeros of Polynomials Orthogonal on the Unit Circle (with H. Mhaskar), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 63 (1990), pp. 30-38. Download: [PDF]
(103) Approximation by Polynomials with Locally Geometric Rates (with K.G. Ivanov and V. Totik), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 106 (1989), pp. 153-161. Download: [PDF]
(102) Limitations of the Carath‚odory-Fej‚r Method for Polynomial Approximation (with V. Totik), Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 58 (1989), pp. 284-296. Download: [PDF]
(101) Zeros of Expansions in Orthogonal Polynomials (with A. Iserles), Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Society, Vol. 105 (1989), pp. 559-573. Download: [PDF]
(100) Behavior of Polynomials of Best Uniform Approximation (with V. Totik), Trans. Amer. Math. Society, Vol. 316 (1989), pp. 567-593. Download: [PDF]
(99) On Approximation in the Lp-norm by Reciprocals of Polynomials (with D. Leviatan and A.L. Levin), Journal Approximation Theory, Vol. 57 (1989), pp. 322-331. Download: [PDF]
(98) Polynomial Approximation of Piecewise Analytic Functions, (with V. Totik), Journal London Math. Society, Vol. 39 (1989), pp. 487-498. Download: [PDF]
(97) A Principle of Contamination in Best Polynomial Approximation, Approximation and Optimization, Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 1354, (Gomez, Guerra, Jimeniz, Lopez, eds.), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, (1988), pp. 79-97. Download: [PDF]
(96) The Distribution of Extreme Points in Best Complex Polynomial Approximation (with H.-P. Blatt and V. Totik), Constructive Approximation Journal, Vol. 5 (1989), pp. 357-370. Download: [PDF]
(95) Strong Asymptotics for Lp Extremal Polynomials (1 < p ó ì) Associated with Weights on [-1,1] (with D.S. Lubinsky), Approximation Theory, Tampa (E.B. Saff, ed.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 1287, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, (1987), pp. 83-104. Download: [PDF]
(94) The Density of Alternation Points in Rational Approximation (with P.B. Borwein, R. Grothmann, and A. Kro¢), Proceedings Amer. Math. Society, Vol. 105 (1989), pp. 881-888. Download: [PDF]
(93) On the Behavior of Zeros and Poles of Best Uniform Polynomial and Rational Approximants (with R. Grothmann), Nonlinear Numerical Methods and Rational Approximations (A. Cuyt, ed.), Reidel Publishing Company (1988), pp. 57-75. Download: [PDF]
(92) On Clenshaw’s Method and a Generalization to Faber Series, (with S.W. Ellacott), Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 52 (1988), pp. 499-509. Download: [PDF]
(91) Weighted Polynomial Approximation of Analytic Functions, (with V. Totik), Journal of London Mathematical Society, Vol. 37 (1988), pp. 455-463. Download: [PDF]
(90) The Density of Extreme Points in Complex Polynomial Approximation (with A. Kro¢), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 103 (1988), pp.203-209. Download: [PDF]
(89) Jentzsch-Szeg Type Theorems for the Zeros of Best Approximants (with H.-P. Blatt and M. Simkani), Journal of London Mathematical Society, Vol. 38 (1988), pp. 307-316. [PDF]
(88) On Polynomials of Minimal Lq -deviation, 0 < q < 1, (with A. Kro¢), Journal of London Mathematical Society, Vol. 37 (1988), pp. 182-192. [PDF]
(87) Some Examples in Approximation on the Unit Disk by Reciprocals of Polynomials (with A.L. Levin), Approximation Theory, Tampa (E.B. Saff, ed.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 1287, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, (1987), pp. 70-82. Download: [PDF]
(86) Polynomial and Rational Approximation in the Complex Domain, In: Approximation Theory (Carl de Boor, ed.), Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 36, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, (1986), pp. 21-49. Download: [PDF]
(85) Sufficient Conditions for Asymptotics Associated with Weighted Extremal Problems on (with D.S. Lubinsky), Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 19 (1989), pp. 261-170. Download: [PDF]
(84) Jackson Type Theorems in Approximation by Reciprocals of Polynomials, (with A.L. Levin), Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 19 (1989), pp. 243-249. Download: [PDF]
(83) Row Convergence Theorems for Generalized Inverse Vector- valued Pade Approximants, (with P.R. Graves-Morris), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 23 (1988), pp.63-85. Download: [PDF]
(82) Uniform and Mean Approximation by Certain Weighted Polynomials, with Applications, (with D.S. Lubinsky), Constructive Approximation Journal, Vol. 4 (1988), pp. 21-63. Download: [PDF]
(81) A Proof of Freud’s Conjecture for Exponential Weights, (with D.S. Lubinsky and H.N. Mhaskar), Constructive Approximation Journal, Vol. 4 (1988), pp. 65-83. Download: [PDF]
(80) Degree of Approximation of Real Functions by Reciprocals of Real and Complex Polynomials, (with A.L. Levin), SIAM Journal Math Analysis, Vol. 19 (1988), pp. 233-245. Download: [PDF]
(79) Bi-orthogonality in rational approximation, (with A. Iserles), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 19 (1987), pp. 47-54. Download: [PDF]
(78) Where does the Lp – norm of a weighted polynomial live? (with H.N. Mhaskar), Transactions Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 303 (1987), pp. 109-124. Errata, Vol. 308 (1988), p. 431. Download: [PDF]
(77-A) Polynomial and rational approximation in the complex domain. In Approximation Theory (New Orleans, La., 1986), pp. 21-49. Proc. Sympos. Appl. Math., 36, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI. [PDF]
(77) Freud’s conjecture for exponential weights, (with D.S. Lubinsky and H.N. Mhaskar), Bulletin Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 15 (1986), pp. 217-221. Download: [PDF]
(76) Convergence of Pade‚ approximants of partial theta functions and the Rogers-Szego polynomials, (with D.S. Lubinsky), Constructive Approximation Journal, Vol. 3 (1987), pp. 331-361. Download: [PDF]
(75) Remarks on the behavior of zeros of best approximating polynomials and rational functions, (with H.-P. Blatt and A. Iserles), Algorithms for Approximation (J.C. Mason and M.G. Cox, eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, (1987), pp. 437-445. Download: [PDF]
(74) Pade‚ approximants of partial theta functions and the Rogers-Szeg polynomials, (with D.S. Lubinsky), Approximation Theory V (C.K. Chui, L.L. Schumaker, and J.D. Ward, eds.), Academic Press, New York, (1986), pp. 447-450. Download: [PDF]
(73) On sequences of polynomials and the distribution of their zeros, (with H.-P. Blatt), In Approximation Theory V (C.K. Chui, L.L. Schumaker, and J.D. Ward, eds.), Academic Press, New York (1986), pp. 259-262. [PDF]
(72) A Weierstrass-type theorem for certain weighted polynomials, (with H.N. Mhaskar), Approximation Theory and Applications (S.P. Singh, ed.), Pitman Publishing Ltd., (1985), pp. 115-123. Download: [PDF]
(71) A de Montessus type theorem for CF approximation, (with M. Gutknecht), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 16 (1986), pp. 251-254. Download: [PDF]
(70) Approximation by polynomials that omit a power of z, (with J. Clunie and M. Hasson), Journal Approx. Theory and its Applications, Vol. 3 (1987), pp. 63-73. Download: [PDF]
(69) The error for quadrature methods: a complex variables approach, (with J.C. Snader), Amer. Math. Monthly, Vol. 94 (1987), pp. 176-180. Download: [PDF]
(68) Distribution of zeros of polynomial sequences, especially best approximations, (with H.-P. Blatt), Delay Equations, Approximation and Application (ed. by G. Meinardus and G. Nurnberger) ISNM 74, Birkhauser, Basel, (1985), pp. 71-82. Download: [PDF]
(67) Finite sequences of orthogonal polynomials connected by a Jacobi matrix, (with Carl de Boor), Linear Alg. and Appl., Vol. 75 (1986), pp. 43-55. Download: [PDF]
(66) Behavior of zeros of polynomials of near best approximation, (with H.-P. Blatt), Journ. Approx. Theory., Vol. 46 (1986), pp.323-344. Download: [PDF]
(65) Polynomials with Laguerre weights in Lp, (with H.N. Mhaskar), Rational Approximation and Interpolation (P.R. Graves-Morris, E.B. Saff, and R.S. Varga, eds.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1105, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (1984), pp. 511-523. Download: [PDF]
(64) On equiconvergence on certain sequences of rational interpolants, (with A. Sharma), Rational Approximation and Interpolation (P.R. Graves-Morris, E.B. Saff, and R.S. Varga, eds.) Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1105, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (1984), pp. 256-271. Download: [PDF]
(63) Computing with the Faber Transform, (with S.W. Ellacott), Rational Approximation and Interpolation (P.R. Graves-Morris, E.B. Saff, and R.S. Varga, eds.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1105, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (1984), pp. 412-418. Download: [PDF]
(62) A de Montessus theorem for vector valued rational interpolants, (with P.R. Graves-Morris), Rational Approximation and Interpolation (P.R. Graves-Morris, E.B. Saff, and R.S. Varga, eds.) Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1105, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (1984), pp. 227-242. Download: [PDF]
(61) Where does the sup norm of a weighted polynomial live? (A generalization of incomplete polynomials), (with H.N. Mhaskar), Constructive Approximation Journal, Vol. 1 (1985), pp. 71-91. Download: [PDF]
(60) Weighted polynomials on finite and infinite intervals: A unified approach, (with H.N. Mhaskar), Bulletin of Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 11 (1984), pp. 351-354. Download: [PDF]
(59) Extremal problems for polynomials with Laguerre weights, Approximation Theory IV. (C.K. Chui, L.L. Schumaker, J.D. Ward, eds.) Academic Press, New York, (1983), pp. 619-624. Download: [PDF]
(58) Incomplete and orthogonal polynomials, Approximation Theory IV. (C.K. Chui, L.L. Schumaker, J.D. Ward, eds.) Academic Press, New York, (1983), pp. 219-256. Download: [PDF]
(57) Extremal problems for polynomials with exponential weights, (with H.N. Mhaskar), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 285, (1984), pp. 203-234. Download: [PDF]
(56) Bounds for algebraic polynomials with zeros in an interval, (with M. Lachance), Canadian Mathematical Society Conference Proceeding, Vol. 3 (1983), pp. 227-237. Download: [PDF]
(55) A note on the sharpness of J.L. Walsh’s theorem and its extensions for interpolation in the roots of unity, (with R.S. Varga), Acta. Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar., Vol. 41 (1983), pp. 371-377. Download: [PDF]
(54) Singularities of functions determined by the poles of Pade‚ approximants, (with J. Karlsson) Padd‚ Approximations and its Applications, Amsterdam, 1980 (M.G. de Bruin and H. van Rossum, eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (1981), pp. 239-254. Download: [PDF]
(53) An extension to rational functions of a theorem of J.L. Walsh on differences of interpolation polynomials, (with A. Sharma and R.S. Varga), RAIRO Anal. Numer., Vol. 15 (1981), pp. 371-390. Download: [PDF]
(52) On lacunary incomplete polynomials, (with R.S. Varga), Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 177 (1981), pp. 297-314. Download: [PDF]
(51) On the zeros of generalized Bessel polynomials. II., (with M.G. de Bruin and R.S. Varga), Indagationes Mathematicae, Vol. 43 (1981), pp. 14-25. Download: [PDF]
(50) On the zeros of generalized Bessel polynomials. I., (with M.G. de Bruin and R.S. Varga), Indagationes Mathematicae, Vol. 43 (1981), pp. 1-13. Download: [PDF]
(49) On incomplete polynomials, II (with R.S. Varga), Pacific Journ. of Math., Vol. 92, No. 1 (1981), pp. 161-172. Download: [PDF]
(48) An extension of the Enestrom-Kakeya Theorem and its sharpness, (with N. Anderson and R.S. Varga), SIAM Journ. Math. Anal., Vol. 12, No. 1 (1981). Download: [PDF]
(47) Remarks on some conjectures of G.G. Lorentz, (with R.S. Varga), Journ. Approx. Theory, Vol. 30, No. 1 (1980), pp. 29-36. Download: [PDF]
(46) Incomplete factorizations of matrices and connections with H-matrices, (with R.S. Varga and V. Mehermann), SIAM Journ. Num. Anal., Vol. 17, No. 6 (1980), pp. 787-793. Download: [PDF]
(45) Incomplete Polynomials: An Electrostatics approach, (with J.L. Ullman and R.S. Varga), Approximation Theory III, (E.W. Cheney, ed.) Academic Press, New York, (1980), pp. 769-782. Download: [PDF]
(44) On two conjectures on the zeros of generalized Bessel polynomials, (with M.G. de Bruin and R.S. Varga), Approximation Theory III (E.W. Cheney, ed.), Academic Press, New York, (1980), pp. 261-266. Download: [PDF]
(43) An introduction to the convergence theory of Pade‚ approximants, Aspects of Contemporary Complex Analysis, (D.A. Brannan and J.G. Clunie, eds.), Academic Press, New York, (1980), pp. 493-502. Download: [PDF]
(42) Bounds for incomplete polynomials vanishing at both endpoints of an interval, (with M. Lachance and R.S. Varga), Constructive Approaches to Mathematical Models, (C.V. Coffman and G.J. Fix, eds.), Academic Press, New York, (1979), pp. 421-437. Download: [PDF]
(41) The sharpness of Lorentz’s Theorem on incomplete polynomials, (with R.S. Varga), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 249 (1979), pp. 163-186. Download: [PDF]
(40) On the zeros of Jacobi polynomials (with D. S. Moak and R.S. Varga), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 249 (1979), pp. 159-162. Download: [PDF]
(39) On the Enestrom-Kakeya Theorem and its sharpness, (with N. Anderson and R.S. Varga), Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol. 28 (1979), pp. 5-16. Download: [PDF]
(38) Inequalities for polynomials with a prescribed zero, (with M. Lachance and R.S. Varga), Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 168 (1979), pp. 105-116. Download: [PDF]
(37) On univalent functions convex in one direction, (with A.W. Goodman), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 73, No. 2 (1979), pp. 183-187. Download: [PDF]
(36) On incomplete polynomials, (with R.S. Varga), Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie, Band 4, (L. Collatz, G. Meinardus, and H. Werner, eds.), ISNM 42 Birkhauser Verlag, Basel and Stuttgart, (1978), pp. 281-298. Download: [PDF]
(35) Uniform approximation by incomplete polynomials, (with R.S. Varga), International Journ. Math. Sci., Vol. I (1978), pp. 407-420. Download: [PDF]
(34) On the zeros and poles of Pade‚ approximants to e-z. III. (with R.S. Varga), Numer. Math., Vol. 30 (1978), pp. 241-266. Download: [PDF]
(33) On the definition of a close-to-convex function, (with A.W. Goodman), International Journ. Math. Sci., Vol. 1 (1978), pp. 125-132. Download: [PDF]
(32) Nonuniqueness of best complex rational approximations to real functions on real intervals, (with R.S. Varga), Journ. Approx. Theory, Vol. 23 (May 1978), pp. 78-85. Download: [PDF]
(31) Some open problems concerning polynomials and rational functions (with R.S. Varga), Pade‚ and Rational Approximation: Theory and Applications, Academic Press, Inc., New York, (1977), pp. 483-488. Download: [PDF]
(30) Nonuniqueness of best approximating complex rational functions, (with R.S. Varga), Bulletin of Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 83, No. 3 (May 1977), pp. 375-378. Download: [PDF]
(29) On the zeros and poles of Pade‚ approximants to e-z. II. (with R.S. Varga), Pade‚ and Rational Approximation, (edited by E.B. Saff and R.S. Varga), Academic Press, Inc., New York, (1977), pp. 195-213. Download: [PDF]
(28) The behavior of the Pade‚ table for the exponential, (with R.S. Varga), Approximation Theory II (edited by Lorentz, Chui and Schumaker), Academic Press, New York, (1976), pp. 519-531. Download: [PDF]
(27) On the sharpness of theorems concerning zero-free regions for certain sequences of polynomials (with R.S. Varga), Numer. Math., Vol. 26 (1976), pp. 245-354. Download: [PDF]
(26) Geometric convergence of rational approximations to e-z in infinite sectors (with R.S. Varga and W.C. Ni), Numer.Math., Vol. 26 (1976), pp. 211-225. Download: [PDF]
(25) A comment on the convexity condition, (with D.A. Horowitz and D.A. Rose), Indian Journ. of Pure and Appl. Math., Vol. 18 (1976), pp. 159-164. Download: [PDF]
(24) Angular overconvergence for rational functions converging geometrically on [0,+ ì) (with R.S. Varga), Theory of Approximation with Applications, (edited by Law and Sahney), Academic Press, New York, (1976), pp. 238-256. Download: [PDF]
(23) Geometric convergence to e-z by rational functions with real poles (with A. Schonhage and R.S. Varga), Numer. Math., Vol. 23 (1976), pp. 307-322. Download: [PDF]
(22) Zero-free parabolic regions for sequences of polynomials (with R.S. Varga), SIAM Journ. of Math. Anal., Vol. 7 (1976), pp. 344-357. Download: [PDF]
(21) Geometric overconvergence of rational functions in unbounded domains (with R.S. Varga), Pacific Journ. of Math., Vol. 62 (1976), pp. 523-549. . Download: [PDF]
(20) On the zeros and poles of Pade‚ approximants to ez, (with R.S. Varga), Numer. Math., Vol. 25 (1975), pp. 1-14. [PDF]
(19) Convergence of Pade‚ approximants to e-z on unbounded sets (with R.S. Varga), Journ. Approx. Theory, Vol. 13 (1975), pp. 470-488. [PDF]
(18) Behavior of convolution sequences of a family of probability measures on [0,+ ì), (with A. Mukherjea), Indiana Univ. Math. Journ., Vol. 24 (1974), pp. 221-226. [PDF]
(17) Fundamental constants for rational functions (with S.J. Poreda and G.S. Shapiro), Trans. of the Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 189 (1974), pp. 351-358. [PDF]
(16) Coefficient and integral mean estimates for algebraic and trigonometric polynomials with restricted zeros (with T. Sheil-Small), Journ. of London Math. Soc. (2), Vol. 9 (1974), pp. 16-22. [PDF]
(15) Hyperpolynomial approximation of solutions of nonlinear integro-differential equations (with A.G. Kartsatos), Pacific Journ. of Math., Vol. 49 (1973), pp. 117-125. [PDF]
(14) On the zeros of the error function for Tchebycheff approximation on a disk, Journ. Approx. Theory, Vol. 9 (1979), pp. 112-117. [PDF]
(13) On the degree of best rational approximation to the exponential function, Journ. Approx. Theory, Vol. 9 (1973), pp. 97-101. [PDF]
(12) On the convergence of rational functions which interpolate in the roots of unity (with J.L. Walsh), Pacific Journ. of Math., Vol. 45 (1973), pp. 639-641. [PDF]
(11) An extension of Montessus de Ballore’s theorem on the convergence of interpolation rational functions, Journ. Approx. Theory, Vol. 6 (1972), pp. 63-67. [PDF]
(10) The convergence of rational functions of best approximation to the exponential function II, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 32 (1972), pp. 187-194. [PDF]
(9) Bounded approximation by polynomials whose zeros lie on a circle (with Z. Rubinstein), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 29 (1971), pp. 482-486. [PDF]
(8) Regions of meromorphy determined by the degree of best rational approximation, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 29 (1971), pp. 30-38. [PDF]
(7) A note on the location of critical points of polynomials (with J.B. Twomey), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 27 (1971), pp. 303-308. [PDF]
(6) The convergence of rational functions of best approximation to the exponential function, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 153 (1971), pp. 483-493. [PDF]
(5) On the row convergence of the Walsh array for meromorphic functions, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 146 (1969), pp. 241-257. [PDF]
(4) Polynomials of interpolation and approximation to meromorphic functions, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 143 (1969), pp. 509-522. [PDF]
(3) Extensions of D. Jackson’s Theorem on best complex polynomial mean approximation (with J.L. Walsh), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 138 (1969), pp. 61-69. [PDF]
(2) Approximation by rational and meromorphic functions having a bounded number of free poles, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 141 (1969), pp. 79-92. [PDF]
(1) Interpolation and functions of class H(k,à,2), Journ. Approx. Theory, Vol. 1 (1968), pp. 488-492. [PDF]
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