Research Grants and Contracts
FULBRIGHT GRANT (1968-1969), Postdoctoral Researcher, Imperial College, London, England
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA RELEASE-TIME GRANT (1970), Rational Approximation (Research).
NATO TRAVEL GRANT (1972), Conference on Pade‚ Approximants, University of Kent, England
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RESEARCH GRANT (1970-1972), Best Approximation by Rational Functions.
AIR FORCE RESEARCH GRANT (AFOSR) (1973-1974), Approximation by Rational Functions and their Aerospace Applications.
AIR FORCE RESEARCH GRANT (AFOSR) (1974-1979), Numerical Methods for Problems on Environmental Effects in Aerospace Vehicles.
ARMY CONFERENCE GRANT (DAAG29) (1976-1977), Rational Approximation with Emphasis on Application of Pade Approximants.
AIR FORCE CONFERENCE GRANT (AFOSR) (1976-1977) Rational Approximation with Emphasis on Applications of Pade‚ Approximants.
NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TRAVEL GRANT (to attend International Congress Mathematics, Helsinki, Finland)(1978).
GUGGENHEIM FELLOW (1978), Studies in Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory.
AIR FORCE RESEARCH GRANT (AFOSR) (1979-1980) Investigations in Improved Iterative Methods for Solving Sparse Systems of Linear Equations.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RESEARCH GRANT (1980-1982) Polynomial and Rational Functions: Approximation, Interpolation and Critical Points.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RESEARCH GRANT (1982-1984) Problems in Constructive Function Theory.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION CONFERENCE GRANT (1983-1984) U.S.-UK Conference on Pade aand Rational Approximation2.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RESEARCH GRANT (1984-1987) Some Problems in Approximation Theory.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION COOPERATIVE RESEARCH GRANT (1985-1987), U.S. – United Kingdom Cooperative Science: Rational Approximations.
USF PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL AWARD (with K. Pothoven) (1985-1986), Institute for Constructive Mathematics.
USF PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL AWARD (with K. Pothoven) (1986-1987), Chinese Faculty Exchange Program in Mathematics.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RESEARCH GRANT (1987-1989), Orthogonal Polynomials, Weighted Approximation, and Zero Distribution.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION COOPERATIVE RESEARCH GRANT (1987-1990), U.S.- United Kingdom Cooperative Science: Vector-Valued Rational Interpolants.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RESEARCH GRANT (May 1988 – February 1992), Special Functions and Orthogonal Expansions with Applications to Nonlinear Dynamics and Quantum Mechanics , (with M. Ismail).
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION CONFERENCE GRANT (February 1989 – October 1989), U.S.-Chile Conference on Computational Methods and Function Theory.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RESEARCH/CONFERENCE GRANT (August 1989 – July 1990), Special Year in Approximation Theory (with M. Ismail).
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RESEARCH GRANT (September 1, 1989 – August 31, 1991), Mathematical Sciences: Projects in Classical Analysis (with M. Ismail).
FLORIDA HIGH TECHNOLOGY AND INDUSTRY RESEARCH GRANT (with J. Liang and R. Oberste-Vorth), Applications of Fractal Based Image Processing , (January 1990 – October 1991).
SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN, Conformal Mapping and Bieberbach Polynomials , (Summer Research Grant 1990).
MARTIN MARIETTA CORP. RESEARCH GRANT (with J. Liang, J. P. Pedersen, and R. Oberste-Vorth), Applications of Fractal Based Image Processing – Industry Support , (September 1, 1990 – October 1, 1991).
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS GRANT – U.S.-USSR Workshop on Approximation Theoretic Methods in Complex Analysis and Mathematical Physics , (March 1, 1991 – February 28, 1993).
FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY – Gift for research by Institute for Constructive Mathematics, (February 1992).
NATO COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH GRANTS PROGRAMME (April 30, 1991 – April 29, 1993) “Numerical Methods in Conformal Mapping and Potential Theory” (with N. Papamichael, Brunel Univ., England).
HERCULES DEFENSE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH GRANT – (with J.F. Pedersen), Wavelet Based Algorithms , February 1, 1992 – December 1, 1992.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRANT – (with M. E. Ismail and V. Totik), Approximation Theory and Special Functions , September 1, 1992 – August 31, 1993.
NATO COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH GRANTS PROGRAMME – (with N. Papamichael, Brunel Univ., England), “Numerical Methods in Conformal Mapping and Potential Theory”, April 30, 1991 – April 29, 1993.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRANT – “Fekete Points For the Sphere – Graduate Student Support”, May 20, 1993 – August 31, 1994.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRANT – (with M.E. Ismail and V. Totik), “Approximation Theory and Special Functions,” September 1, 1993 – August 31, 1994.
HERCULES DEFENSE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH GRANT – (with J.F. Pedersen), “Neural Network Discriminator,” June 8, 1993 – August 31, 1993.
HERCULES DEFENSE ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS RESEARCH GRANT – (with J.F. Pedersen), “Signature Data Discriminator Analysis,” June 21, 1993 – August 31, 1994.
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS RESEARCH GRANT – (with N. Papamichael, A. Karageorghis and N.S. Stylianopoulos), “Numerical Methods in Conformal Mapping and Potential Theory,” September 1, 1993 – August 1994.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRANT – (with M. E. Ishmail and V. Totik), “Approximation Theory and Special Functions”, September 1, 1994 – August 31, 1995.
Oct 1995 – September, 1998.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRANT (with E. A. Rakhmanov), – Minimal Discrete Energy Problems and Approximation Theory”, May 1995 – April 1998.
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS RESEARCH GRANT – (with N. Papamichael, A. Karageorghis and N. S. Stylianopoulos), “Numerical Methods in Conformal Mapping and Potential Theory”, September 1, 1995 – August 1996
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION CONFERENCE GRANT – “Computational Methods and Function Theory ’97”, August 15, 1997 – January 1, 1998.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH (NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION-INRIA) -GRANT (with You. Y and Totik, V) – “Approximation Theory and Systems” August 1998 – July 2001.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRANT (with E. A. Rakhmanov), – ” Extremal Problems, Orthogonal Polynomials and Approximation Theory”, June 1998 – May 2001.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RESEARCH GRANT “Discrete and Continuous Extremal Problems in Approximation Theory” July 1, 2001 – June 30, 2004.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION CONFERENCE GRANT “Computational Methods and Function Theory Conference, 2001” April 1, 2001 – March 31, 2002.
DARPA Research Grant “New Methods in High-Resolution Global and Local Gravity Field Modeling” (with L. Schumaker and M. Neamtu) Sept 2002 – August 2003
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Grant “Computational Equipment for Approximation Theory, Control Theory, Graph Theory” (with D. Hardin, M. Ellingham, L. Schumaker, and M. Horn)
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Grant “Computational Methods and Function Theory Conference 2005” March 2005 – February 2006.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Grant “Minimal Energy Problems on Manifolds” (with D. Hardin) June 2005 – May 2006.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Grant “International Research Experiences for Graduate Students: Vanderbilt University Department of Mathematics and INRIA – Sophia Antipolis” (with M. Mihalik and M. Horn) December 2003 – November 2006.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Grant “Discrete Minimal Energy Configurations and Related Problems” August 2006 – June 2009
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Grant “Discrete Potential Theory and Perturbations of Ground State Configurations” August 2008 – July 2011
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Grant “Computational Methods & Functions Theory Conference” (Ankara, Turkey) June 2009 – May 2010
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Grant “CMG Collaborative Research: Imaging Magnetization Distributions in Geological Samplings” (Co-PI D. Hardin) September 2009 – August 2012
AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL “Innovations in Spherical Approximation – Construction, Analysis and Applications” (co-PI with I. Sloan and H. Wendland) 2009-2013
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION “Optimal Configurations on Spheres and Manifolds Conference”, (co-PI), March 2010-February 2011
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RESEARCH GRANT “Optimal Weighted and Constrained Energy Configurations and Applications,” (co-PI) September 2011 – August 2014
AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL DISCOVERY PROJECT AWARD “Mathematics in the round – the challenge of computational analysis on spheres” (co-PI) January 2012 – December 2014
VANDERBILT INTERNATIONAL OFFICE “Some algorithmic properties of eigenvalues and zeros on the sphere“ (PI), January 2012 – December 2012
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