Grissom, Jason A., Jennifer Darling-Aduana, and Richard Hall. n.d. “Country of Origin and Representative Bureaucracy.” In press, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. [link]
Bartanen, Brendan, and Jason A. Grissom. 2023. “School Principal Race, Teacher Racial Diversity, and Student Achievement.” Journal of Human Resources 58(2): 666–712. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., and Brendan Bartanen. 2022. “Potential Race and Gender Biases in High-Stakes Teacher Observations.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 41(1): 131–161. [link]
Patrick, Susan Kemper, Jason A. Grissom, S. Colby Woods, and UrLeaka Newsome. 2021. “Broadband Access, District Policy, and Student Opportunities for Remote Learning During COVID-19 School Closures.” AERA Open 7(1): 1–22. [link]
Nelson, Jennifer L., Jason A. Grissom, and Margaux Cameron. 2021. “Performance, Process, and Interpersonal Relationships: Explaining Principals’ Perceptions of Principal Evaluation.” Educational Administration Quarterly 57(4): 641–678. [link]
Redding, Christopher, and Jason A. Grissom. 2021. “Do Students in Gifted Programs Perform Better? Linking Gifted Program Participation to Achievement and Nonachievement Outcomes.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 43(3): 520–544. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., and Lara Condon. 2021. “Leading Schools and Districts in Times of Crisis.” Educational Researcher 50(5): 315–324. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Jennifer D. Timmer, Jennifer L. Nelson, and Richard S.L. Blissett. 2021. “Unequal Pay for Equal Work? Unpacking the Gender Gap in Principal Compensation.” Economics of Education Review 82: 102114. [link]
Markowitz, Anna, Daphna Bassok, and Jason A. Grissom. 2020. “Teacher-Child Racial/Ethnic Match and Parental Engagement with Head Start.” American Educational Research Journal 57(5): 2132–2174. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Sarah E. Kabourek, and Jenna W. Kramer. 2020. “Exposure to Same-Race/Ethnicity Teachers and Advanced Math Course-Taking in High School: Evidence from a Diverse Urban District.” Teachers College Record 122(7), ID Number: 23323. [link]
Goldring, Ellen B., Jason A. Grissom, Christine M. Neumerski, Richard S.L. Blissett, Joseph Murphy, and Andrew Porter. 2020. “Increasing Principals’ Time on Instructional Leadership: Exploring the SAM® Process.” Journal of Educational Administration 58(1): 19–37. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Christopher Redding, and Joshua Bleiberg. 2019. “Money Over Merit? Socioeconomic Gaps in Receipt of Gifted Services.” Harvard Educational Review 89(3): 337–369. [link]
Bartanen, Brendan, Jason A. Grissom, and Laura K. Rogers. 2019. “The Impacts of Principal Turnover.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 41(3): 350–374. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Brendan Bartanen, and Hajime Mitani. 2019. “Principal Sorting and the Distribution of Principal Quality.” AERA Open 5(2): 1–21. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., and Brendan Bartanen. 2019. “Strategic Retention: Principal Effectiveness and Teacher Turnover in Multiple-Measure Teacher Evaluation Systems.” American Educational Research Journal 56(2): 514-555. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., and Brendan Bartanen. 2019. “Principal Effectiveness and Principal Turnover.” Education Finance and Policy 14(3): 355–382. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Hajime Mitani, and David Woo. 2019. “Principal Preparation Programs and Principal Outcomes.” Educational Administration Quarterly 55(1): 73–115. [link]
Bartanen, Brendan, Jason A. Grissom, Ela Joshi, and Marc Meredith. 2018. “Mapping Inequalities in Local Political Representation: Evidence from Ohio School Boards.” AERA Open 4(4): 1–19.[link]
Neumerski, C.N., Jason A. Grissom, Ellen Goldring, Timothy A. Drake, Marisa Cannata, Mollie Rubin, and Patrick Schuermann. 2018. “Restructuring Instructional Leadership: How Multiple-Measure Teacher Evaluation Systems Are Redefining the Role of the School Principal.” Elementary School Journal 119(2): 270–297. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Richard S.L. Blissett, and Hajime Mitani. 2018. “Evaluating School Principals: Supervisor Ratings of Principal Practice and Principal Job Performance.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 40(3): 446–472. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Demetra Kalogrides, and Susanna Loeb. 2017. “Strategic Staffing? How Performance Pressures Affect the Distribution of Teachers within Schools and Resulting Student Achievement.” American Educational Research Journal 54(6): 1079–1116. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., and Susanna Loeb. 2017. “Assessing Principals’ Assessments: Subjective Evaluations of Teacher Effectiveness in Low- and High-Stakes Environments.” Education Finance and Policy. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Hajime Mitani, and Richard S.L. Blissett. 2017. “Principal Licensure Exams and Future Job Performance: Evidence from the School Leaders Licensure Assessment.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Luis A. Rodriguez, and Emily C. Kern. 2017. “Teacher and Principal Diversity and the Representation of Students of Color in Gifted Programs: Evidence from National Data.” Elementary School Journal 117(3): 396-422. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Mollie Rubin, Ellen Goldring, Marisa Cannata, Timothy Drake, Christine Neumerski, and Patrick Schuermann. 2017. “Central Office Supports for Data-Driven Talent Management Decisions: Evidence from the Implementation of New Systems for Measuring Teacher Effectiveness.” Educational Researcher 46(1): 21-32. [link]
Cannata, Marisa, Mollie Rubin, Timothy A. Drake, Ellen B. Goldring, Jason A. Grissom, Christine M. Neumerski, and Patrick Schuermann. 2017. “Using Teacher Effectiveness Data for Information Rich Hiring.” Educational Administration Quarterly 53(2): 180-222. [link]
Sun, Min, Susanna Loeb, and Jason A. Grissom. 2017. “Building Teacher Teams: Evidence of Positive Spillovers from More Effective Colleagues.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 39(1): 104-125. [link]
Murphy, Joseph, Christine M. Neumerski, Ellen Goldring, Jason A. Grissom, and Andy Porter. 2016. “Bottling Fog? The Quest for Instructional Management.” Cambridge Journal of Education 46(4): 455-471. [link]
Nicholson-Crotty, Sean, Jason A. Grissom, Jill Nicholson-Crotty, and Christopher Redding. 2016. “Disentangling the Causal Mechanisms of Representative Bureaucracy: Evidence from Assignment of Students to Gifted Programs.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 26(4): 745-757. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., and Hajime Mitani. 2016. “Salary, Performance, and Superintendent Turnover.” Educational Administration Quarterly 52(3): 351-391. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Samantha Viano, and Jennifer L. Selin. 2016. “Understanding Employee Turnover in the Public Sector: Insights from Research on Teacher Mobility.” Public Administration Review 76(2): 241-251. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., and Christopher Redding. 2016. “Discretion and Disproportionality: Explaining the Underrepresentation of High-Achieving Students of Color in Gifted Programs.” AERA Open 2(1): 1-25. [link (open access)]
Grissom, Jason A., Demetra Kalogrides, and Susanna Loeb. 2015. “The Micropolitics of Educational Inequality: The Case of Teacher–Student Assignments.” Peabody Journal of Education 90(5): 601-614. [link]
Clinton, Joshua D., and Jason A. Grissom. 2015. “Public Information, Public Learning, and Public Opinion: Democratic Accountability in Education Policy.” Journal of Public Policy 35(3): 355-385. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Susanna Loeb, and Hajime Mitani. 2015. “Principal Time Management Skills: Explaining Patterns in Principals’ Time Use, Job Stress, and Perceived Effectiveness.” Journal of Educational Administration 53(6): 773-793. [link]
Ronfeldt, Matthew, Susanna Farmer, Kiel McQueen, and Jason A. Grissom. 2015. “Teacher Collaboration in Instructional Teams and Students’ Achievement.” American Educational Research Journal 52(3): 475-514. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Emily Kern, and Luis A. Rodriguez. 2015. “The ‘Representative Bureaucracy’ in Education: Educator Workforce Diversity, Policy Outputs, and Outcomes for Disadvantaged Students.” Educational Researcher 44(3): 185-192. [link]
Goldring, Ellen, Jason A. Grissom, Mollie Rubin, Christine M. Neumerski, Marisa Cannata, Timothy Drake, and Patrick Schuermann. 2015. “Make Room, Value-Added: Principals’ Human Capital Decisions and the Emergence of Teacher Observation Data.” Educational Researcher 44(2): 96-104. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Demetra Kalogrides, and Susanna Loeb. 2015. “Using Student Test Scores to Measure Principal Performance.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 37(1): 3-28. [link] [NBER working paper version]
Grissom, Jason A., Sean Nicholson-Crotty, and James R. Harrington. 2014. “Estimating the Effects of No Child Left Behind on Teachers’ Work Environments and Job Attitudes.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 36(4): 417-436. [link] [pre-publication version]
Grissom, Jason A. 2014. “Is Discord Detrimental? Using Institutional Variation to Identify the Impact of Public Governing Board Conflict on Outcomes.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 24(2): 289-315. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Susanna Loeb, and Nathaniel Nakashima. 2014. “Strategic Involuntary Teacher Transfers and Teacher Performance: Examining Equity and Efficiency.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 33(1): 112-140. [link] [NBER working paper version]
Grissom, Jason A., Susanna Loeb, and Ben Master. 2013. “Effective Instructional Time Use for School Leaders: Longitudinal Evidence from Observations of Principals.” Educational Researcher 42(8): 433-444. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., and James R. Harrington. 2013. “Local Legislative Professionalism.” American Politics Research 41(1): 76-98. [link]
Koedel, Cory, Jason A. Grissom, Shawn Ni, and Michael Podgursky. 2012. “Pension-Induced Rigidities in the Labor Market for School Leaders.” National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research Working Paper 67. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., and Stephanie Andersen. 2012. “Why Superintendents Turn Over.” American Educational Research Journal 49(6): 1146-1180. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Jill Nicholson-Crotty, and Lael Keiser. 2012. “Does My Boss’s Gender Matter? Explaining Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover in the Public Sector.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 22(4): 649-673. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., and Michelle Reininger. 2012. “Who Comes Back? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Re-Entry Behavior of Exiting Teachers.” Education Finance and Policy 7(4): 425-454. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., and Katharine O. Strunk. 2012. “How Should School Districts Shape Teacher Salary Schedules? Linking School Performance to Pay Structure in Traditional Compensation Schemes.” Educational Policy 26(5): 663-695. [link]
Grissom, Jason A. 2012. “Revisiting the Impact of Participative Decision-Making on Public Employee Retention: The Moderating Influence of Effective Managers.” American Review of Public Administration 42(4): 400-418. [link]
Nicholson-Crotty, Sean, Jason A. Grissom, and Jill Nicholson-Crotty. 2012. “Governance and the Impact of Public Employee Unions on Organizational Performance.” Public Performance and Management Review 35(3): 422-448. [link]
Grissom, Jason A. 2011. “Can Good Principals Keep Teachers in Disadvantaged Schools? Linking Principal Effectiveness to Teacher Satisfaction and Turnover in Hard-to-Staff Environments.” Teachers College Record 113(11): 2552-2585. [Previously circulated under title “Simple and Complex School Resources and Teachers‘ Turnover Decisions: Implications for Hard-to-Staff Schools”] [link] [pre-publication version]
Grissom, Jason A., and Susanna Loeb. 2011. “Triangulating Principal Effectiveness: How Perspectives of Parents, Teachers, and Assistant Principals Identify the Central Importance of Managerial Skills.” American Educational Research Journal 48(5): 1091-1123. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., and Lael Keiser. 2011. “A Supervisor Like Me: Race, Representation, and the Satisfaction and Turnover Decisions of Public Sector Employees.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 30(3): 557-580. [link]
Nicholson-Crotty, Jill, Jason A. Grissom, and Sean Nicholson-Crotty. 2011. “Bureaucratic Representation, Distributional Equity, and Democratic Values in the Administration of Public Programs.” Journal of Politics 73(2): 582–596. [link]
Strunk, Katharine O., and Jason A. Grissom. 2010. “Do Strong Unions Shape District Policies? Collective Bargaining, Teacher Contract Restrictiveness and the Political Power of Teachers’ Unions.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 32(3): 389-406. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., and James R. Harrington. 2010. “Investing in Administrator Efficacy: An Examination of Professional Development as a Tool for Enhancing Principal Effectiveness.” American Journal of Education 116(4): 583-612. [link]
Grissom, Jason A. 2010. “The Determinants of Conflict on Governing Boards in Public Organizations: The Case of California School Boards.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 20(3): 601-627. [link]
Grissom, Jason A., Jill Nicholson-Crotty, and Sean Nicholson-Crotty. 2009. “Race, Region, and Representative Bureaucracy.” Public Administration Review 69(5): 911-919. [link]
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