Timeline and Program

We are happy to announce that we had over 110 submissions from 13 different research groups across our various sub-challenges! We have posted the challenge results and participants presentations to both the ISBI Whova app (http://2020.biomedicalimaging.org/virtual-event-instructions) and Vimeo channel (https://vimeo.com/channels/1562465) and would love to invite you to view our virtual program!

Virtual Program

Title: Introduction to ISBI 2020 MEMENTO Challenge
Presenter: Kurt G Schilling
Authors: Kurt G Schilling, Bennett A Landman

Title: Subchallenge 1 – the signal forecast: generalizability of diffusion signal representations
Presenter: Alberto De Luca, Andrad Ianus
Authors: Alberto De Luca, Andrad Ianus, Alexander Leemans

Title: Subchallenge 2 – All models are wrong: are yours useful?
Presenter: Marco Palombo
Authors: Marco Palombo, Daniel Alexander

Title: ATHENA Project Challenge #1
Presenter: Mauro Zucchelli
Authors: Mauro Zucchelli, Matteo Frigo, Enes Albay, Rutger Fick, Abib Alimi, Sara Sedlar, Samuel Deslauriers-Gauthier, Rachid Deriche

Title: MRI White Matter Reconstruction Challenge #1, The Signal Forecast
Presenter: Maryam Afzali
Authors: Maryam Afzali, Tomasz Pieciak, Fabian Bogusz, Santiago Aja-Fernandez, Evren Ozarslan, Derek K Jones

Title: MEMENTO 2020 (Signal Forecast): Simple harmonic oscillator based reconstruction
Presenter: Vishwesh Nath
Authors: Vishwesh Nath, Bennett A Landman

Title: Subchallenge #1: predicting unseen data
Presenter: Haoze Chen
Authors: Haoze Chen, Jinming Wu

Title: ISBI 2020 White Matter Challenge
Presenter: Jan Morez
Authors: Jan Morez, Jan Sijbers, Ben Jeurissen

Title: MRI White Matter Reconstruction Challenge. Estimating microstructural changes.
Presenter: Prasanna Parvathaneni
Authors:Prasanna Parvathaneni, Vishwesh Nath

Title: MRI White Matter Reconstruction with DIPY
Presenter: Shreyas Fadnavis
Authors: Shreyas Fadnavis, Stefan Endres, Ariel Rokem, Eleftherios Garyfallidis

Title: ATHENA Project Challenge #3
Presenter: Mauro Zucchelli
Authors: Mauro Zucchelli, Matteo Frigo, Enes Albay, Rutger Fick, Abib Alimi, Sara Sedlar, Samuel Deslauriers-Gauthier, Rachid Deriche