No Child Left Behind

This page provides a complete list of NCPI publications that address the topic of No Child Left Behind. We will continue to update this page as the Center produces new publications on the topic.

Achievement Trade-Offs and NCLB
D. Ballou and M. Springer
August 2009

The Achievement Consequences of the No Child Left Behind Act
T. Dee and B. Jacob
August 2009

Leaving No Child Behind: Two Paths to School Accountability
D. Figlio, C. Rouse, and A. Schlosser
August 2009

Supplemental Education Services Under NCLB: Who Signs Up and What Do They Gain?
C. Heinrich, R. Meyer, and G. Whitten
August 2009

Which Students are Left Behind? The Racial Impacts of NCLB
J. Krieg
August 2009

Status v. Growth: Distributional Effects of School Accountability Policies
H. Ladd and D. Lauen
August 2009

Left Behind by Design: Proficiency Counts and Test-Based Accountability
D. Neal and D. Whitmore Schanzenbach
August 2009

Supplemental Education Services and Student Test Score Gains: Evidence from a Large Urban School District
M. Pepper, M. Springer, and B. Dastidar
August 2009

The Effects of No Child Left Behind on School Services and Student Outcomes
R. Reback, J. Rockoff, and H. Schwartz
August 2009

Going Down With the Ship? The Effect of School Accountability on the Distribution of Teacher Experiences in California
D. Sims
August 2009

For an annotated bibliography of NCLB, click here.