All resources posted are in the name of the author(s) and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the National Center on Performance Incentives or sponsoring agencies. Questions about the research, recommendations, and policy recommendations contained within these working papers should be directed to the author(s).
Kevin Booker and Steven Glazerman, Mathematica Policy Research
Paul Glewwe, Nauman Ilias, and Michael Kremer
Dan Goldhaber, University of Washington
Jane Hannaway, Urban Institute & Andrew J. Rotherham, Education Sector
Brian Jacob, University of Michigan Matthew Springer, Vanderbilt University
Julia E. Koppich, J. Koppich & Associates
Jessica L. Lewis and Matthew G. Springer, Vanderbilt
Daniel McCaffrey, Bing Han, and J.R. Lockwood, RAND Corporation
Robert H. Meyer and Michael S. Christian, University of Wisconsin-Madison
K. Muralidharan, Harvard University and V. Sundararaman, The World Bank
Derek Neal
Steve Nelson, retired, United States Merit Systems Protection Board
Michael J. Podgursky, University of Missouri-Columbia
Richard Rothstein, Economic Policy Institute
James E. Ryan, University of Virginia
William Sanders & S.Paul Wright, SAS Institute, Warren Langevin, Vanderbilt
Matthew G. Springer, Dale Ballou, and Art (Xiao) Peng
Lori Taylor, Matthew Springer, and Mark Ehlert
Jacob L. Vigdor, Duke University
Martin West, Brown University & Matthew Chingos, Harvard University
M. Winters, J. Greene, G. Ritter, & R. Marsh, University of Arkansas
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