
I believe that my responsibility as an instructor is to instigate passion in students and leverage that passion to promote accelerated learning.  My aim is to use core instruction as a vessel to fuel innovation and establish the engineering classroom as platform for this aim.

Fall 2016: ME-2190-01: Dynamics (3 credits, core undergraduate) 
Spring, 2016:  ME-2220-01: Thermodynamics (3 credits, core undergraduate)
Fall, 2015: IMS-5320:  Nanoscale Science and Engineering (3 credits, graduate level)
Fall, 2014: ME Special Topics: Energy Storage Technology; Theory and Applications (3 credits, graduate level)
Fall, 2015: ME-2220-01: Thermodynamics (3 credits, core undergraduate)
Spring, 2014: ME 220-03: Thermodynamics
(3 credits, core undergraduate)
Spring, 2013:  ME 220-03:  Thermodynamics (3 credits, core undergraduate)
Fall, 2012: ME 220-01: Thermodynamics (3 credits, core undergraduate)