National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools

Mary Frances's blog posts

PASL Toolkit is Live!

We are excited to release a new set of tools for educators! Personalization for Academic and Social-Emotional Learning (PASL) is a systemic approach to high school reform with the aim of improving high school students’ academic and social emotional outcomes. With PASL, administrators, counselors, and teachers intentionally attend to students’ academic, social emotional, and behavioral…

Posted by on January 6, 2020 in News

New Paper on Using a Network-based Approach to Building Student Ownership and Responsibility

Marisa Cannata, Christopher Redding, and Tuan D. Nguyen have a new paper published in Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, entitled Building Student Ownership and Responsibility: Examining Student Outcomes from a Research-Practice Partnership. The paper focuses on the link between a growing emphasis on the importance of co-cognitive traits and the emergence of research-practice partnerships to…

Posted by on December 18, 2019 in News

New Paper on Continuous Improvement

A new paper from Christopher Harrison, John Wachen, Stephanie Brown, and Lora Cohen-Vogel, entitled “A View From Within: Lessons Learned From Partnering for Continuous Improvement,” explores continuous improvement and partner-based approaches that have gained popularity recently. These approaches use “structured, iterative processes for developing innovations” between practitioners and school contexts. Published in Teachers College Record,…

Posted by on November 18, 2019 in News