Research Practice Partnership
Cannata, M., Cohen-Vogel, L., & Sorum, M. (2017). Partnering for Improvement: Improvement Communities and their Role in Scale Up. Peabody Journal of Education 92(5): 569-588. [Version of Record] [Accepted Manuscript]
Cannata, M., Redding, C., & Nguyen, T. (2019). Building Student Ownership and Responsibility: Examining Student Outcomes from a Research-Practice Partnership. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. [Version of Record] [Accepted Manuscript]
Cohen-Vogel, L., Allen, D., Rutledge, S.A., Cannata, M., Harrison, C., & Smith, T.M. (2018). The Dilemmas of Research-Practice Partnerships for Improvement Research in Education. Journal of Research on Organization in Education 2:1-14. View paper.
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