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VDS Events: Visit Days

Posted by on Sunday, November 10, 2013 in Events.

by Katherine Smith
Director of Admissions

It’s the time of year again for official Visit Days at most theological schools.  All over the country, schools such as Vanderbilt Divinity School are making cases for why studying in their institutions is worth considering.  This is one of my favorite times of the year because I get to meet so many interesting people and hear myriad responses to the question, “Why are you here?”  I love hearing your stories.

It’s also because this part of my job is the easy part.  This community speaks for itself in so many ways: in the depth and variety of students who call VDS “home”, in the enormously talented faculty who live out their scholarship in this community, in the passionate commitments that have motivated those who tread these halls to push for greater justice, hospitality, and life-giving engagement in the world.  Mix in a good dose of humor, LOTS of scrumptious food, and a University with world-class resources, and it’s hard not to want to be a student here.

That said, it’s those stories – each individual story of a call to ministry or teaching, each desire to explore big questions and risk big conversations, each person who cannot quite articulate the reason but knows this is the right next step – that makes Vanderbilt Divinity School an amazing place.  So I hope you – or someone you know–might choose to come explore with us.

Here are some ways to get started:

  • Join us on Nov. 22 for an official Visit Day as we talk with vdsCAN (Community Action Network) Fellows about community engagement and theological reflection at Vanderbilt Divinity School.  Visit Days typically run from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. and include community conversations over meals, an admissions and financial aid session, a campus and library tour, and time to meet with current students and faculty. Visit Day registration is available here.
  • Schedule an individual visit.  Can’t make it on the 22nd?  No problem.  We’d love to host you another time when you can attend a class and get information about the school.  Contact Admissions at 615.343.3963 or
  • Check out VDS on Facebook and Twitter.

Then, begin an application. It’s easy; it’s free; and it’s all online.  I look forward to hearing your story.

For other VDS events, click here.

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