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Three Questions with Marcia Mount Shoop

Posted by on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 in Feature.

Vanderbilt Divinity School is partnering with theologian, author, and minister The Rev. Marcia Mount Shoop (MDiv Vanderbilt 1996; PhD Emory University 2003) to explore the how this community can becoming more intentionally attentive and healing around sexual violence and other kinds of abuses of power. For our readers to become acquainted with Rev. Mount Shoop, we asked her to respond to three questions.

1.     Are you on social media? Do you have any blog/social media, journal, newspaper recommendations? I am on Twitter @mmountshoop, FaceBook, and I am a regular blogger at One recommendation on is and on Twitter @colorlines. It is a great source of conversation and information and insight around issues of race and privilege.

2.     What are your work practices? (I am not sure I understand this question, but I will take a crack at it). My work practices are embodied and relational. I walk, stretch, and breathe. I listen, write and listen more. And I send time with intuitive creatures who don’t just want/need my words, but notice and know me in ways I need to give space to. I collaborate and generate, I create space and notice. My most important work practice is seeking all these layers of connection.

3.     What type of music do you listen to? Why?  I listen to all kinds of music: Celtic, Native American, Gospel, Folk, Billy Joel, John Prine, Lauren Hill, Hip Hop, Pop, Country, Blues, Classical, Taize… you get the picture. I listen to lots of different kinds of stuff because music is a miracle of embodied engagement–and there are infinite possibilitie

For more information about In-forming Communities of Healing events, click here.


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