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a moment of meditation

Posted by on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 in Feature, spirituality.

altar with lantern and candles

As we explore what it means to be in community virtually, we’ve been meeting weekly on Mondays for a moment of poetry, song, and silence. Periodically, we’ll be sharing parts of those gatherings here, as a resource for you to center yourselves for 15 minutes wherever you are. Click on the links embedded below to read, listen, and hear the words from our modern day mystics.

opening words & centering written by emilie m. townes 

gracious God,

     giver of light and hope

let your powerful work be revealed in us

     so that your glory might shine like the sun

     through us

so that we may be beacons of justice and mercy

     in the world

your love endures


a reading: Life Goes On f rom Meditations of the Heart / Howard Thurman

a song: We Are / India Arie


a reading: Once the World Was Perfect  / Joy Harjo


a reading: Prodigal Objects / Carolyn M. Rodgers

closing words & music

Nature Song / Sweet Honey in the Rock