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Call for Applications: Carpenter/LGBT Policy Lab Fellows

Posted by on Monday, September 14, 2020 in Events, Feature, News.

LGBT policy lab

Call for Applications: Carpenter/LGBT Policy Lab Fellows

The Carpenter Program in Religion, Gender, and Sexuality is hiring two paid LGBT Policy Fellows (MTS or MDiv) for the 2020-21 school year. Vanderbilt’s LGBT Policy Lab has partnered with the Carpenter Program to craft a collaborative learning experience that equips participants to understand how Christianity has been weaponized to enforce anti-LGBTQIA+ policy (local, state, and federal) and to explore the ways that faith resources and practices can be utilized to build equity and liberation. These Fellows will work with Carpenter Program Assistant Director Lyndsey Godwin to design and implement a cohort based, interdisciplinary learning program for the spring of 2021 (the LGBT Policy Cohort). The cohort will be composed of professional and graduate Vanderbilt students and local community members interested in developing skills for impacting LGBT Policy from a faith lens.

Beyond marriage, cakes, and bathrooms, this program will approach “LGBT Policy” with an interdisciplinary, holistic approach that includes an expansive understanding of what counts as policy, how policy change might be organized, and the role of faith and religion in shaping and shifting policy now and in the future. The Southeast US is home to the largest percentage of the LGBTQIA+ community in the country, and while many might narrowly limit LGBT issues to questions of family and gender assimilation, we know that the oppressive systems of racism, sexism, heterosexism, transphobia, classism, Christian exceptionalism, and xenophobia work together to impact the lives of LGBTQIA+ folks in and across all aspects of life. Access to health care and housing; mass incarceration and detention; police violence, education, immigration and ­­­­more are all LGBT Policy issues.

Compensation: Each Fellow will receive a stipend of $3000 per semester. This stipend cannot be added on top of any stipend a student is already receiving from VDS. If you are already receiving a stipend from VDS, this will replace that amount of your stipend so that funds can be distributed to more students.

Please see the documents below for full details, and reach out to Lyndsey Godwin with any questions.

Apply Here (PLEASE read all details before applying)

Call for applications in PDF and Word.