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Ferguson and Minjung Theology: Intersectionality, Solidarity, and Protest

Dec. 17, 2014—        by Teresa Kim Pecinovsky, MDiv2 Soon afterwards he went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went with him.  As he approached the gate of the town, a man who had died was being carried out.  He was his mother’s only son, and she was a...

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READ THIS BOOK – December 2014

Dec. 14, 2014—Each month, we ask a member of the Vanderbilt Divinity School faculty to recommend a book they are currently reading. Our December recommendation is offered by Herbert Marbury, Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible. When I prep for a new course, I use the experience as an opportunity to read new books but also to reread those that...

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“A Conversion to the Neighbor”

Dec. 10, 2014—by Gabe Horton, MDiv3 A 1970s Aboriginal activist group once issued this challenge to well-intentioned white Australians seeking to help: If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. If you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together. Marginalia is a student group at Vanderbilt...

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New Feature: Alumni/ae Tuesday

Dec. 9, 2014—Have you ever wondered what our VDS and GDR alumni/ae are up to after graduation? We are excited to announce Alumni/ae Tuesday, a new feature that will give you a unique look into the lives of our alumni/ae from their perspective. Our monthly Alumni/ae Tuesday Guest Post series on the VDS Voices blog will highlight posts written by VDS...

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VDS Student News 12.3.14

Dec. 3, 2014—By Jonathan S. Radford Reginald Wayne Sharpe, Jr., MDiv2, was ordained on November 5, 2014, by the Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church in Decatur, Georgia, under the leadership of his pastor, Dr. E. Dewey Smith, Jr. Reggie, as friends and family call him, was graduated in 2013 from Morehouse College where he studied religion and philosophy. Reginald’s...

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Facing Race

Nov. 26, 2014—RACE “… runners take your mark; get set…” CaPow! Left.     Right.   Left, right, left, right, left… The FINISH LINE was in sight running… (right, left, right, left…) giving my all running… (right, left, right…) with all my might running… (left, right…) I KNEW I could win running… Right? But running the lane to...

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Look who’s blogging!

Nov. 19, 2014—This week we share blogs post of two of our recent graduates, Emily Rowell Brown, MDiv’13 and Monica Weber, MDiv’13. 4 SUREFIRE WAYS TO ATTRACT YOUNG ADULTS TO CHURCH by Emily Rowell Brown Posted November 12, 2014 Spoiler alert: the post title is actually a misnomer. I will not tell you the secret to tripling...

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Looking Back at the Beginnings

Nov. 12, 2014—By: Jonathan Radford, MDiv1 Believe it or not, this blog you’re reading right now has been a source for information, enlightenment, and engagement at the Vanderbilt Divinity School and communities around the world for a little more than a year. So, we thought it would be fitting to look back at some of the posts...

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READ THIS BOOK November 2014

Nov. 9, 2014—Each month, we ask a member of the Vanderbilt Divinity School faculty to recommend a book they are currently reading. Our November recommendation is offered by Ellen Armour, E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Chair in Feminist Theology, Director of the Carpenter Program in Religion, Gender, and Sexuality.       The U.S. may be moving...

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Three Questions with Marcia Mount Shoop

Nov. 5, 2014—Vanderbilt Divinity School is partnering with theologian, author, and minister The Rev. Marcia Mount Shoop (MDiv Vanderbilt 1996; PhD Emory University 2003) to explore the how this community can becoming more intentionally attentive and healing around sexual violence and other kinds of abuses of power. For our readers to become acquainted with Rev. Mount Shoop,...

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