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VDS Feature: Telling a Truthful Narrative: Lessons in Creative Writing

Apr. 2, 2014—by Julia Nusbaum, MTS2 I have always found healing in words. While growing up and feeling sad or lonely, I would find a book and become absorbed in the words. Stories made me feel whole again— the words made worlds come alive inside of me. I wanted to make people feel the way I did...

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VDS Friday Photo 3.28.14

Mar. 28, 2014—This week during Community Worship, Emily McCord  Lis Valle-Ruiz performed an exceprt from Blessed: Monologues in Celebration of Mary.    

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VDS Friday Photo 3.21.14

Mar. 21, 2014—VDS student, Justin Lester, who is interning at 15th Ave Baptist Church, and his Field Ed supervisor, Rev. Dr. William Buchanan.  

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VDS Feature: “Hyper-Calvinist Turned Mystic-Heretic”

Mar. 19, 2014—When I first decided that I would like to contribute to the Divinity School’s blog, I immediately gravitated toward retelling my VDS journey, while also fighting the academic urge to explicate my identifiers: Hyper-Calvinist and Mystic-Heretic. Now, however, I feel moved to leave those terms in their respective ambiguous places. To be fair, I will...

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Friday Photo 3.14.14

Mar. 14, 2014—Thank you to all who shared their Spring Break with our community using Instagram. We had over 60 photos submitted using #VDSspringbreak. Enjoy a selection of these fun photos.  

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VDS Feature: Where Do We Go From Here?

Mar. 12, 2014—by Shelby Lucas, MDiv3 My personal journey through theological education is not unlike that of many of my colleagues. After earning my baccalaureate in 2009, I took a few years off from higher education to discern where I wanted to be vocationally. I moved to Nashville. I taught preschool. I practiced being an adult. I...

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Read This Book: March 2014

Mar. 9, 2014—Read This Book is a new, monthly book review/recommendation by members of the Vanderbilt Divinity School faculty. New reviews will be posted on the second Sunday of each month. Our first selection is by John McClure, Charles G. Finney Professor of Preaching and Worship. I strongly recommend my new book, co-edited with Ronald Allen and...

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VDS Friday Photo 2.28.14

Feb. 28, 2014—The VDS Office of Womyn’s Concerns hosted a dialogue with feminists/Womanists/&Mujeristas about #selfies and how important it is for people of color to see themselves refelcted in selfies througout the internet. Further, it is an intentional movement that embraces the “radical politics” of the selfie to dare ourselves to love ourselves and feel good about...

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VDS Feature Alumnus Seth Kohrman

Feb. 26, 2014—Religion and spirituality always have been central aspects of my person. I grew up in a conservative Christian environment. I loved it. It was one of the greatest driving forces in shaping the person I was. I was especially passionate about Christian Scripture. This love led me to want to build a professional career out...

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Friday Photos 2.21.14

Feb. 21, 2014—Bishop Joe Pennel opened the Community Breakfast with a prayer on Tuesday, February 11, 2014.  Professor Bruce Morrill presented “Evangelization and Social Justice: Fundamentals of Pope Francis’s Mission.”                           Visions: A Community Art Show opened on February 13, 2014 with a reception. Nineteen...

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