‘Amartya Sen’
READ THIS BOOK Roundup April 2015
Apr. 12, 2015—Each month, we ask a member of the Vanderbilt Divinity School faculty to recommend a book they are currently reading. Here is a roundup of the faculty and their recommendations from the 2014 – 2015 academic year. March 2015 Evon Flesberg, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Pastoral Theology and...
READ THIS BOOK! September 2014
Sep. 14, 2014—Each month, we ask a member of the Vanderbilt Divinity School faculty to recommend a book they are currently reading. Our September recommendation is offered by Paul Lim, Associate Professor of the History of Christianity, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Affiliate Professor, Department of History. This summer past was an immensely packed season of travel—teaching...