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“Borders are invisible until they’re not.” VDS Maymester course Part 3

Jul. 16, 2014—“Something there is that doesn’t love a wall.” Robert Frost Borders are invisible until they’re not. The wall the US built, closing off Mexicans along with other Southern and Central Americans from family and jobs, is as imposing and harsh as the policies that inform its existence. People come and go through checkpoints and pass...

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VDS Maymester course, Traversing Our National Wound Part 2

Jul. 9, 2014—This past May, twenty Vanderbilt Divinity students and I travelled to Tucson, Arizona, as a delegation under the care of the organization BorderLinks. Vanderbilt Divinity School has partnered with BorderLinks for its last seven delegations, bringing groups of students every other year to Arizona for a week of engagement. Our trip was part of a...

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Friday Photo 5.23.14

May. 23, 2014—This weeks Friday Photo is courtesy of Julia Nusbaum, who accompanied our Cross-Culteral Seminar class for a week of learning and reflection along the US/Mexico Border.

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