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‘James Baldwin’

Facing Race

Nov. 26, 2014—RACE “… runners take your mark; get set…” CaPow! Left.     Right.   Left, right, left, right, left… The FINISH LINE was in sight running… (right, left, right, left…) giving my all running… (right, left, right…) with all my might running… (left, right…) I KNEW I could win running… Right? But running the lane to...

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A Reason for this Season

Sep. 10, 2014—“The world is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in.” —James Baldwin As a first-year master of divinity student, I entered Vanderbilt University ready to study and participate in the transformation of a world, which I feel, is in much need of healing. I...

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