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‘Social Justice’

Lament is not about helplessness or hopelessness

Mar. 11, 2022—Lament is not about helplessness or hopelessness. When done in community, we name that which is causing us to be tempted by despair with as much precision as possible and then begin to take steps to address—if not eradicate—that which keeps us from a more just world.

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28th Annual Creating Change conference

Feb. 24, 2016—by Carlin Rushing, Program Assistant for the Carpenter Program in Religion, Gender and Sexuality The 28th annual Creating Change conference, organized by the National LGBT Task Force, was held in Chicago, Illinois, this year.  Bringing together hundreds of organizations, activist, organizers, faith leaders, students, and allies from across the nation to examine the state of the...

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My First Year Experience – Kimberly A. Goins

Nov. 25, 2015—by Kimberly A. Goins, MTS1 As I reflect upon my first year experience at Vanderbilt University Divinity School, I cannot help but think what I wrote in my personal statement: I want to pursue the master of theological studies degree because I have a myriad of ideas about the connections among politics, racism, social justice, the...

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Creating Change 2015 – Sara Green

May. 6, 2015—The 26th National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change made its home in downtown Denver, Colorado, February 4-8 2015.   We had nearly 4,000 people from all over the country attend our five-day program that featured over 390 workshops, training sessions, meetings and events, and four unbelieveably spectacular plenary sessions.   Vanderbilt Divinity students Sara...

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A Blank Paige

Sep. 3, 2014—by Paige Wetzel, 2nd year MTS candidate Blank. I wouldn’t say I came to VDS open-minded, just blank. When I began my studies last year, I had few expectations and even fewer ideas about what my time here would be like. Like a fresh piece of paper, I was clear and vacant, uncertain of what would...

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May. 12, 2014—Each month, we ask a member of the Vanderbilt Divinity School faculty to recommend a book they are currently reading. Our May recommendation is offered by Dale P. Andrews, Distinguished Professor of Homiletics, Social Justice, and Practical Theology. I find Joseph Evans’ text, Lifting the Veil of Eurocentrism: The Du Boisian Hermeneutic of Double Consciousness, to...

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Friday Photos 2.21.14

Feb. 21, 2014—Bishop Joe Pennel opened the Community Breakfast with a prayer on Tuesday, February 11, 2014.  Professor Bruce Morrill presented “Evangelization and Social Justice: Fundamentals of Pope Francis’s Mission.”                           Visions: A Community Art Show opened on February 13, 2014 with a reception. Nineteen...

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