Vanderbilt in France

Housing & Immersion

Students have many opportunities to interact with French-speaking people in Aix.


Our students live in apartments with one or two other Vanderbilt students and a French student who can introduce you to the nightlife and local activities. many of these “co-locataires” also do tutoring at the Vanderbilt in France center to help you work on your French.

Dinner with local families

Mealtime is important in France, and our students eat with local families most nights of the week. A wonderful time to catch up on politics and learn about French customs, the dinner hour is animated and much-anticipated. You can practice your French in an authentic and informal environment.

Courses at local universities

While we offer our own small classes at the Vanderbilt in France center, Aix-en-Provence is a college town and many of our students take a class or two at local universities. If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, our on-site director will help you select the right class for you.


Several French students work as tutors at the Vanderbilt in France center and can help you work on your French.

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Your Unique Experience

Vanderbilt in France is small enough to offer you the chance to tailor your study abroad experience to your needs. You can take classes in French or English and with pre-approval classes can fulfill requirements in most majors. Work in the community and meet French students-- whatever your goals, we'll help you make your semester or year abroad unforgettable!