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Project seeks to create ‘bioartificial’ kidney

Jul. 11, 2013—Nephrologist William Fissell IV, M.D., associate professor of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering, is intent on creating and mass-producing an implantable bioartificial kidney that can transform quality of life and prospects for survival for people with chronic kidney disease who would otherwise be forced onto dialysis. Donor kidneys are in very short supply for the approximately...

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Collaboration between Vanderbilt and startup Femtometrix leads to exclusive deal

Jun. 27, 2013—An innovative wafer inspection tool developed by a team of Vanderbilt professors and engineers has been licensed exclusively to startup company Femtometrix. The semiconductor wafer-inspection technology based on laser optics was invented by Norman Tolk, Ph.D., professor of physics, Michael Alles, engineer for Vanderbilt University’s School of Engineering, and Ron Schrimpf, Ph.D., professor of electrical...

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Weiss participates in NSF advocacy day

May. 10, 2013—Following an early morning flight to Washington, D.C., on May 7, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Physics Sharon Weiss braved the rainy weather to head to Capitol Hill and meet with staff members in the offices of Sen. Lamar Alexander, Sen. Bob Corker, Rep. Jim Cooper and Rep. Chuck Fleischmann as well as the...

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VINSE goes to Capitol Hill to discuss K-12 STEM outreach with members of the Tennessee delegation

Apr. 18, 2013—It was an exciting day on Capitol Hill. Dr. Sandra Rosenthal, director of the Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE), Sarah Ross, program and outreach coordinator at VINSE, and Toshia Wrenn, a Ph.D. candidate in chemistry at Vanderbilt had the opportunity to share with staff in the offices of Senator Lamar Alexander, Senator...

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Professor’s lab brings first ALD systems to Vanderbilt

Apr. 2, 2013—Cary Pint’s lab – Nanomaterials and Energy Devices Laboratory in Olin Hall – is close to completion and it brings to Vanderbilt its first two atomic layer deposition (ALD) systems, relatively small tools that deposit atomically thin layers of material on virtually any surface. The lab also houses a host of tools for new carbon...

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Vanderbilt outreach initiative puts science in the hands of Tennessee students

Jan. 23, 2013—Middle school students in Robertson and Dickson counties will get hands-on science instruction thanks to a Vanderbilt University outreach initiative. Science teachers for grades 6-8 at White House Heritage Elementary School and Coopertown Middle School in Robertson County were on the Vanderbilt campus Jan. 23 to pick up kits containing science lessons and to learn...

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New faculty: Rizia Bardhan finds solutions at the nanoscale

Dec. 11, 2012—Rizia Bardhan has a large picture of Mahatma Gandhi in her office. “Gandhi has always been very special to me,” she said. “We share the same birthday. He exemplifies the power of perseverance.” Perseverance has carried the new assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering to Nashville from Kolkatta, India, where she was born. Early in...

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Nanoscience and nanotechnology minor offered

Oct. 15, 2012—In an effort to respond to students’ rapidly growing interest in nanoscale technology, a new 15-hour interdisciplinary minor in nanoscience and nanotechnology is being offered by the School of Engineering and the College of Arts and Science. Directors are Paul E. Laibinis, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, and Sandra J. Rosenthal, Jack and Pamela...

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Grant will help professor develop battery to aid home energy use

Oct. 11, 2012—Peter Pintauro, H. Eugene McBrayer Professor of Chemical Engineering and chair of the chemical and biomolecular engineering department, has partnered with researchers from the University of Kansas and TVN Systems, Inc. on a three-year, $1.72 million grant from the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) of the U.S. Department of Energy to develop a durable, low-cost...

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VINSE Welcomes Cary Pint

Sep. 9, 2012—Cary M. Pint, assistant professor of mechanical engineering B.S., University of Northern Iowa, 2005 M.S., Rice University, 2009 Ph.D., Rice University, 2010 Pint’s research interests focus on nanomate rials development for efficient and integrated energy storage and conversion devices. This effort builds upon cutting-edge materials design employing atomic layer deposition and nanocarbon and non-carbon nanostructure fabrication techniques. Of...

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