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Episode 7 | Meet our Faculty | Greg Walker

Sep. 12, 2023—Learn more about Dr. Greg Walker and his group. The Walker group uses advanced physical models to understand the behavior of nanostructured materials from atoms to devices for tuning and optimizing the performance of energy and sustainability technologies. Watch on YouTube | Hear more from Greg Walker  

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Did you know? VINSE Helios G3X FIB-SEM

Sep. 9, 2023—Did you know that the VINSE Helios FIB-SEM can create a nanosized sample from nearly any bulk material?  Guided by the SEM, the focused ion beam can mill micron to nanoscale sections of glass, ceramics, semiconductors, metals and even vitrified cells and bacteria. Use these sections to gain sub-nm structural information with VINSE’s Osiris TEM-STEM....

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Sign-up now for the VINSE High School Field Trip Program

Sep. 7, 2023—Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE) is pleased to be able to invite groups of high school students, group size 20 or smaller, to visit our facilities, perform an experiment, and learn about nanotechnology during a day visit. Our field trip program has hosted over 3,300 high school students from 68 middle Tennessee high...

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Episode 6 | Meet our Faculty | Kane Jennings

Sep. 1, 2023—Learn more about Dr. Kane Jennings and his group. The Jennings group uses molecular engineering principles to design thin films and surfaces to impact energy and sustainability, from membrane separations to biohybrid solar energy conversion. Watch on YouTube | Hear more from Kane Jennings Jennings Lab  

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NanoDay! T-Shirt Design Competition

Aug. 30, 2023—Goal: Create an attractive t-shirt design representing NanoDay! and VINSE. The winning design will receive a $300 cash prize. The design must be exclusively your own and cannot include logos and trademark images You can use any t-shirt color in your design JPEG format (at least 300 dpi) No limits to number of colors in...

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Episode 5 | Meet our Faculty | Janet Macdonald

Aug. 15, 2023—Learn more about Dr. Janet Macdonald and her group. The Macdonald group uses synthetic chemistry techniques to hunt for uncharted paths to make nanocrystals in crystal phases never before seen in nature. Watch on YouTube | Hear more from Janet Macdonald Macdonald Lab  

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Dissertation Defense: Nicole Moehring, Interdisciplinary Materials Science

Jul. 30, 2023—DISSERTATION DEFENSE Nicole Moehring, Interdisciplinary Materials Science *under the direction of Piran Kidambi “Proton transport through 2D membranes and is applications” 08.02.23  |  3:00PM CST  |  048 Engineering Science Building (ESB) At just one atom thick, the pristine lattices of two dimensional (2D) materials, such as graphene, have unique barrier properties which enable selective transport...

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VINSE Colloquium Series: Dr. Joan Redwing, 11/15/23

Jul. 28, 2023—Dr. Joan Redwing Distinguished Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Electrical Engineering; Director of NSF 2D Crystal Consortium “Ultra-thin 2D Semiconductors for Next Generation Devices“ 11.15.23   |   4:10PM The field of two-dimensional (2D) materials began with the advent of graphene but has expanded to a wide class of materials that occur naturally as layered crystals....

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VINSE Colloquium Series: Dr. Chunsheng Wang, 10/18/23

Jul. 28, 2023—  Dr. Chunsheng Wang University of Maryland, College Park “Electrolyte Design for Li-ion and Li Metal Batteries” 10.18.23   |   4:10PM The energy density, safety, and cycle life of batteries are critical for electric vehicles (EV), electric aviation, and renewable energy storage. However, current Li-ion batteries still cannot simultaneously meet all the requirements for these applications. We...

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VINSE Colloquium Series: Dr. Marc Miskin, 09/13/23

Jul. 28, 2023—Dr. Marc Miskin Assistant Professor Electrical and Systems Engineering University of Pennsylvania “Tiny Robots” 09.13.23   |   4:10PM   |  134 Featheringill Hall Nature routinely makes smart, complex, microscopically tiny machines.   But how can humans do it? And can we do it in a way that is easy to design and understand?  This talk is about building...

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