Dissertation Defense, Madeleine Fort, Interdisciplinary Materials Science
Dec. 5, 2022—DISSERTATION DEFENSE Madeleine Fort, Interdisciplinary Materials Science *under the direction of Dr. Janet Macdonald “Improving Charge Separation and Transfer in Semiconducting Nanocrystalline Materials” 12.07.22 | 11:30am CST | 5502 Stevenson Center This thesis examines charge transfer from semiconductor nanocrystals. A discussion of charge transfer mechanisms and their importance to renewable technologies is given. The relationship between...
Dissertation Defense: Joseph Matson, Interdisciplinary Materials Science
Nov. 28, 2022—DISSERTATION DEFENSE Joseph Matson, Interdisciplinary Materials Science *under the direction of Dr. Josh Caldwell “Gaining Nanophotonic Control through Crystalline Anisotropy” 12.05.22 | 3:00pm CST | 048 Engineering Science Building | Zoom Infrared (IR) optics form the basis for many important applications, including chemical spectroscopy for pharmaceuticals, medical testing, environmental monitoring, automotives, and aerospace, to name a few. However,...
Dissertation Defense: Nathan Spear, Interdisciplinary Materials Science
Nov. 28, 2022—DISSERTATION DEFENSE Nathan Spear, Interdisciplinary Materials Science *under the direction of Dr. Janet Macdonald & Dr. Richard Haglund “Enhanced Plasmonic Upconversion in Coupled Metal-Semiconductor Nanoparticle Films” 12.06.22 | 11:00am CST | 132 Olin Hall A large class of nonlinear materials show enhanced harmonic generation by exciting the localized surface plasmonic resonance (LSPR) of metallic or semiconducting nanoparticles....
“Mid- to Far-Infrared Anisotropic Dielectric Function of HfS2 and HfSe2” published in Advanced Optical Materials, selected as a VINSE Spotlight Publication
Nov. 28, 2022—About the author: Ryan Kowalski is a fourth-year graduate student pursuing a PhD in Interdisciplinary Materials Science under the direction Dr. Josh Caldwell. Using infrared spectroscopy, the Caldwell group investigates the optical properties of semiconductor materials for optoelectronic devices. Ryan’s recent publication in Advanced Optical Materials characterizes the anisotropic dielectric functions of 2D van der...
Meet Our Graduates: Jun Li
Sep. 2, 2022—Jun Li earned his Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Materials Science at Vanderbilt University in 2016 under the supervision of Professor Charles Manning. His Ph.D. research focused on the development of new molecular imaging probes to facilitate rapid tracer discovery and as precision imaging diagnostics of cancer. His Ph.D. work has resulted in 7 peer-reviewed articles, 1 book chapter, and...
VINSE Joint Seminar with Interdisciplinary Materials Science “Transitioning to a career in data and analytics” Dr. Alice Leach 9/21/22
Aug. 31, 2022—Dr. Alice Leach Data Engineer, Whatnot Inc. “Transitioning to a career in data and analytics” 09.21.22 | 4pm | 134 Featheringill Hall Abstract. Over the last 10 years, the data industry has exploded in size and a further 31% increase in the number of jobs is projected by 2030. With data professionals in high demand...
Ryan Kowalski awarded NASA Space Technology Graduate Student Research Opportunity
Aug. 30, 2022—Ryan Kowalski, a 4th year graduate student in the Interdisciplinary Materials Science program, was awarded a fellowship by the NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunity (NSTGRO) in June 2022. Ryan, a member of the Caldwell Lab, received the award for his work on identifying the origins of single-photon emitting defects in semiconductor materials. With the...
Sen Yang receives IMS Best Publication Award
Aug. 23, 2022—Sen Yang, a 4th years Ph.D. student in Interdisciplinary Materials Science from Vanderbilt University, was awarded the 2021 Vanderbilt IMS Best Student Paper Award for his work entitled “Nanoparticle Trapping in a Quasi-BIC System”. The award comes with a $500 prize and a corresponding plaque. This work was completed under the guidance of Prof. Justus...
Dissertation Defense: Nicholas Hortance, Interdisciplinary Materials Science
Jul. 12, 2022—DISSERTATION DEFENSE Nicholas Hortance, Interdisciplinary Materials Science *under the direction of Dr. David Cliffel & Dr. Kelsey Hatzell “Investigating Solid Electrolytes and Catalysts for Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis” 07.14.22 | 10:00am CST | 5502 Stevenson Center | Zoom Ammonia (NH3) is a vital chemical to the agricultural and explosives industries, and it may very well play a...
Dissertation Defense: Kan Li, Interdisciplinary Materials Science
May. 16, 2022—DISSERTATION DEFENSE Kan Li, Interdisciplinary Materials Science *under the direction of Dr. Ronald Schrimpf “Laser-induced single event effects, total-ionizing-dose effects, and low-frequency noise in advanced FinFETs” Tuesday, May 24, 2022 | 12:00 | Zoom In this dissertation, radiation effects and low-frequency noise are studied in advanced FinFETs. Firstly, we evaluate the single-event effects on devices...