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‘Judson Ryckman’

Meet Our Graduates: Judson Ryckman

Jul. 6, 2022—Judson Ryckman earned his PhD in Vanderbilt University Electrical and Computer Engineering at Vanderbilt University in 2013 under Prof. Sharon Weiss. Judson’s first exposure to academic research was through participation in a summer research experience for undergraduates which included regular use of  VINSE laboratories at their earlier location in Stevenson Center. After graduating from Vanderbilt, Judson joined Intel Corporation in Santa Clara, CA as a...

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Stamping out low cost nanodevices

May. 31, 2011—A simple technique for stamping patterns invisible to the human eye onto a special class of nanomaterials provides a new, cost-effective way to produce novel devices in areas ranging from drug delivery to solar cells. The technique was developed by Vanderbilt University engineers and described in the cover article of the May issue of the journal Nano...

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