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‘Sharon Weiss’

Inaugural VU-ORNL Collaborative Workshop on November 21st

Nov. 1, 2022—The first VU-ORNL collaborative workshop on nanoscience will be held on Monday, Nov. 21, 2022 in the Engineering and Science Building. 12 distinguished ORNL staff scientists and 10 Vanderbilt faculty will speak at the event which focuses on the most exciting current research and near future opportunities in nanoscience for energy and the environment. Faculty, graduate...

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Meet Our Graduates: Judson Ryckman

Jul. 6, 2022—Judson Ryckman earned his PhD in Vanderbilt University Electrical and Computer Engineering at Vanderbilt University in 2013 under Prof. Sharon Weiss. Judson’s first exposure to academic research was through participation in a summer research experience for undergraduates which included regular use of  VINSE laboratories at their earlier location in Stevenson Center. After graduating from Vanderbilt, Judson joined Intel Corporation in Santa Clara, CA as a...

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Simon Ward awarded SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship

Jun. 15, 2022—Simon Ward has been awarded a 2022 Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship by SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, for his potential contributions to the field of optics, photonics or related field. Ward is a PhD candidate of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the laboratory of Professor Sharon Weiss at Vanderbilt University (USA)....

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Spotlight Publication “Photonic crystals with split ring unit cells for subwavelength light confinement” published in Optics Letters

May. 27, 2022—About the author: Kellen P. Arnold is currently a second-year graduate student pursuing a Ph.D. in interdisciplinary materials science under the direction of Dr. Sharon Weiss. The Weiss group focuses on advancing silicon photonics for communications, sensing, and quantum information by leveraging nanoscale light-matter interactions in photonic crystal devices. Kellen’s recent publication proposes a new...

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IMS grad student KP Arnold wins 1st place at inaugural ECE Day poster session

Apr. 11, 2022—KP Arnold, an IMS graduate student advised by Dr. Sharon Weiss, won first place at the inaugural ECE Day poster session with his poster “Realizing Subwavelength Featured Photonic Crystals: Tailoring To Specific Applications and Foundry Scale Processing.” The Vanderbilt Electrical and Computer Engineering Department presented the first ECE Day on April 4, 2022. The one-day...

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Layouni wins best talk at PSST conference

Apr. 1, 2022—Rabeb Layouni was awarded the Lehman Prize for the best talk at the Porous Semiconductors – Science and Technology (PSST) 2022 Conference. Rabeb is a graduate student in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering working under the direction of Professors Sharon Weiss and Paul Laibinis. Congratulations to Rabeb!   

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Spotlight Publication “Morlet Wavelet Filtering and Phase Analysis to Reduce the Limit of Detection for Thin Film Optical Biosensors” published in ACS Sensors

Mar. 18, 2022—About the author: Simon Ward is currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering under the direction of Dr. Sharon Weiss. In recently published work, he proposed a signal processing method capable of significantly lowering the detection limit of thin film optical biosensors. The signal processing method drastically reduces noise contributions...

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King and Weiss named 2021 AAAS Fellows

Jan. 26, 2022—Two Vanderbilt engineering faculty members–Sharon Weiss and Michael King–have been elected as 2021 Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest general scientific society. The lifetime appointment honors individuals for their efforts in advancing science applications that are deemed scientifically or socially distinguished. Election as an AAAS Fellow is an...

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Isom Kelly wins Best Collaborative Paper

Nov. 22, 2021—VINSE is excited to announce Isom Kelly is the recipient of the inaugural VINSE Best Collaborative Paper award. Isom’s paper has contributions from two VINSE faculty from different departments and one VINSE technical staff member, and involves research carried out in each of VINSE’s three core facilities: porous silicon nanoparticle fabrication in the cleanroom, characterization in the...

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Spotlight Publication: “High contrast cleavage detection for enhancing porous silicon sensor sensitivity” published in Optics Express

Nov. 3, 2021—“High contrast cleavage detection for enhancing porous silicon sensor sensitivity” published in Optics Express has been selected as a VINSE spotlight publication. About the author: Rabeb Layouni is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering under the direction of Dr. Sharon Weiss and Dr. Paul Laibinis. Rabeb studies the development of porous silicon (PSi)...

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