Publications available online
Philosophy of Religion
Plato’s Apophatic Legacy and the Unwritten Doctrines (I-II): Negative Theologies and Poetics
Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społecznej » Volume 69 (2024)
The Death of God as Source of the Creativity of Humans
Apophasis and the Turn of Philosophy to Religion: From Neoplatonic Negative Theology to Postmodern Negation of Theology Sourcelink (Full Text) Google books
Apopohatic Ignorance and its Applications
Franz Rozenzweig and the Emergence of a Post-Secular Philosophy of the Unsayable
Varieties and Valences of Unsayability in Literature
Unsayability and the Promise of Salvation: An Apophatics of the World to Come
Apocalypse and the Breaking-Open of Dialogue: A Negatively Theological Perspective
A Philosophy of the Unsayable: Apophasis and the Experience of Truth and Totality
La teologia negativa come critica dell’idolatria
Existentialism: An Atheistic or a Christian Philosophy? Abstract
The Paramount Importance of What Cannot Be Said in Public Theological Discourse (Full Text)
Poetry, Prophecy, and Theological Revelation
Agamben’s Logic of Exception and its Apophatic Roots and Offshoots
Religion and Representation (with Chance Woods):
Part 2: Religious Belief and the Culture Limits of Representation (pp. 28-42)
Learned Ignorance: The Apophatic Tradition of Cultivating the Virtue of Unknowing
Religion and Representation: 2. Religious Belief and the Cultural Limits of Representation
(This Years Work in Critical and Cultural Theory – online)
At the Creative Source of the Arts: Poetry as Prophecy in a Negative Theological Key
Apophatic Ignorance and its Applications
Il sacro irriconoscibile: Universalità cognitiva tra scienza e discipline umanistiche
review of collective volume Quel che Resta del Sacro including this article
Review of Donald Phillip Verene, The Philosophy of Literature: Four Studies (Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2018) in American Academy of Religion forum: Reading Religion The Philosophy of Literature – Reading Religion (2019)
Sacred Modes of Being in a Post-Secular World (Review of Andrew Hass, ed., on David Jasper
Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue
Muslim Traditions of Learned Ignorance: Apophatic Paths in Islam
Apophatic Ignorance and its Applications
The Ethical Import of (Negative) Theology in Intercultural Dialogue
Cultural Critique
A Negative Theological Critique of Postmodern Identity Politics.
Cosmopolitan Conviviality and Negative Theology: Europe’s Vocation to Universalism
Postmodern Identity Politics and the Social Tyranny of the Definable (pp. 89-99 of Conference Proceedings)
Not War, nor Peace: Are War and Peace Mutually Exclusive Alternatives
Gender Fluidity in Don Quixote: Its Metaphysical Implications
Comparative Philosophy
Thinking in the Gap between the Cultures of Greece and China: Apophatic Universalism (full text)
All or Nothing: Nature in Chinese Thought and the Apophatic Occident
Liberal Arts Education Worldwide Ltd. Inc. – The Unspeakable Basis of Comparative Humanities
Philosophical and Theological Interpretations of Literature
Die Aufgabe der Literatur in der globalisierenden Welt, oder Begegnung mit dem Unvergleichbarem: Walter Benjamin und die Weltliteratur PDF – Die Aufgabe der Literatur – published article
Einleitung: Sprache der Migration – Migration der Sprache. Sprachidentitäten und transkulturelle Literatur im Zeitalter der Globalisierung free download of volume
Commencement Address: “Prolegomena to a Speculative Criticism of Literature” in Annalecta Hermeneutica 14/2 (2022)
On Classical and Biblical Literature
Prophecy as a Genre of Revelation and its Inspiration by Poetic Imagination
On Doing the Truth in Time: The Aeneid‘s Invention of Poetic Prophecy
War and Tragedy and the Fate of the Secular: Virgil’s Secularization of Prophecy
Sulla verità poetica che è superiore alla storia: Porfireo e la critica filosofica della letteratura
Sulla verità poetica che è superiore alla Storia: Porfirio e la critica filosofica della letteratura
Gospel as Personal Knowing: Reflections on Not Just a Literary Genre
Prophecy as a genre of revelation: Synergisms of inspiration and imagination in the book of Isaiah
Writings and Revelation: Literary Theology in the Bible
On Medieval Literature and Dante
The Ethical Vision of Dante’s “Paradiso” in Light of Levinas
A Theology of Human Encounter: Montemaggi’s Professional-Personal Testament
Dante’s Inferno as Poetic Revelation of Prophetic Truth
Dante’s Address to the Reader and its Ontological Significance
Dante’s ‘New Life’ and the New Testament: An Essay on the Hermeneutics of Revelation
Dante’s Hermeneutic Complicity in Violence and Fraud in Inferno IX-XVII
Dante’s Hermeneutic Rite of Passage: Inferno IX
The Place of the Proper Name in the Topographies of the Paradiso
Note on Robert Pogue Harrison’s The Body of Beatrice
Professional Dantology and the Human Significance of Dante Studies
Religion and Representation: Dante Studies After the Theological Turn
“Christliche Offenbarung mittels lyrische Dichtung: Dantes Vita nuova und das Neue Testament”
Dante’s Theology and Contemporary Thought: Recovering Transcendence?
Negative Theology and Theophany in Dante’s Paradiso
“Hamlet and the Philosophical Interpretation of Literature”
Phainomena special issue on Hermeneutics and Literature
“Prophecy Eclipsed: Hamlet as a Tragedy of Knowledge”
In Core Texts in Conversation, eds. Jane Kelley Rodeheffer, David Sokolowski, and J. Scott Lee (Lanham-New York-Oxford: University Press of America, 2000), pp. 149-154.
“Hermeneutic Catastrophe in Racine: The Epistemological Predicament of 17th Century Tragedy,” Romanische Forschungen 105 (1993): 315-31
On Nineteenth Century Literature: Baudelaire, Emily Dickinson, Mallarmé
“The Missing All”: Emily Dickinson’s Apophatic Poetics
The Linguistic Turning of the Symbol: Baudelaire and his French Symbolist Heirs
On Modern Poetry: Mallarmé, Joyce and Yeats, Pound and Eliot
Revelation: Mallarmé and the Negativity of Prophetic Revelation in Modern Literature
Linguistic Repetition as Theological Revelation in Christian Epic Tradition: The Case of Joyce’s ‘Finnegans Wake’
(Full Text pdf) (Abstract)
The Dialectical Logic of Yeats’s Byzantium Poems
Modernist Re-makings of Prophetic Poetry by Pound and Eliot
Jabès and Celan
Poetics of Silence in the Post-Holocaust Poetry of Paul Celan
Edmond Jabès, or the Endless Self-Emptying of Language in the Name of God
pdf online (Full Text) Oxford Journals
Literary and Aesthetic Theory
Symbol and Allegory in Routledge Companion to Philosophical Hermeneutics
Apophatic Paths: Modern and Contemporary Poetics and Aesthetics of Nothing
The Canon Question and the Value of Theory: Towards a New (Non-) Concept of Universality
Canonicity, Creativity, and the Unlimited Revelation of Literature
Canonicity, Creativity, and the Unlimited Revelation of Literature – Partial Answers
“World Literature and the Encounter with the Other: A Means or a Menace”
Metaphor and the Making of Sense: The Contemporary Metaphor Renaissance
(PDF Version) (Full article)
Psychoanalysis as a Hermeneutics of the Subject: Freud, Ricoeur, Lacan
Involved Knowing: On the Poetic Epistemology of the Humanities
Involved Knowing: On the Poetic Epistemology of the Humanities
“Involved Knowing: On the Poetic Epistemology of the Humanities” in Humanities 4/4 (2015)
Online syllabus on Digital Humanities
DOWNLOADS available from PhilPapers
Publication Notices:
“Dante and Modern Hermeneutic Thought”
Blind Prophecy: Milton’s Figurative Mode in Paradise Lost and in Some Minor Poems
On Doing the Truth in Time: The Aeneid’s Invention of Poetic Prophecy
PhilPapers: Online Research in Philosophy
Scanned Articles
“The Coincidence of Reason and Revelation in Communicative Openness:
A Critical Negative Theology of Dialogue”
Journal of Religion 88/3 (2008): 365-392
“Apocalypse and the Breaking-Open of Dialogue: A Negatively Theological Perspective”
International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion 47/2 (2000): 65-86
“Apocalyptic Poetry Between Metaphysics and Negative Theology: From Dante to Celan and Stevens”
Literature and Belief 19/1,2 (1999): 261-284
“Apophasis and the Turn of Philosophy to Religion: From Neoplatonic Negative Theology to
Postmodern Negation of Theology”
In Self and Other: Essays in Continental Philosophy of Religion, ed. Eugene Long,
Special issue of International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 60, numbers 1-3 (2006): 61-76
“James Joyce and the Bible”
The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature, chapter 46
Eds. Christopher Rowland, Christine Joynes, Rebecca Lemon,Emma Masson, Jonathan Roberts
(Oxford: Blackwell, 2009), pp. 642-53,
“Dante’s Address to the Reader and its Ontological Significance”
Modern Language Notes 109 (1994): 117-127
“Le Nom de Dieu comme vanité du langage au fond de tout mot selon Edmond Jabès”
[“The Name of God as the Vanity of Language in the Heart of Every Word”]
trans. by Martine Prieto and Geoffrey Obin,
Edmond Jabès : L’éclosion des énigmes, pp. 249-260
eds. Daniel Lançon et Catherine Mayaux
(Vincennes: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 2007)
(Paris: Littérature Hors Frontières, 2008)
“Edmond Jabès, or the Endless Self-Emptying of Language in the Name of God”
Literature and Theology 22/1 (2008): 1-17
“Franz Rosenzweig and the Emergence of a Post-Secular Philosophy of the Unsayable”
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 58/3 (2005): 161-180
“Hermeneutics, Historicity, and Poetry as Theological Revelation in Dante’sDivine Comedy”
In Art and Time, ed. Jan Lloyd Jones et al. (Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing,2007),
pp. 39-56
“Linguistic Repetition as Theological Revelation in Christian Epic Tradition:
The Case of Joyce’s Finnegans Wake“
Neophilologus 90/1 (2006): 155-172
“Metaphor and the Making of Sense: The Contemporary Metaphor Renaissance”
Philosophy and Rhetoric 33/2 (2000): 137-154.
“Damascius. Of the Ineffable: Aporetics of the Notion of an Absolute Principle”
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics 12/1 (2004): 111-31.
(Introduction with original translation from the Greek of De principiis, Part I, cc 3-8)
“Poetic Language, Apocalypse, and the Premises for Dialogue
Between a Secular West and Radical Islam”
Reconstructing Realities: Occident-Orient Engagements.
eds. Ganakumaran Subramaniam, Shanthini Pillai and Hafriza Burhanudeen
(Kuala Lumpur: Pearson Longman, 2007), pp. 41-52
“Praising the Unsayable: An Apophatic Defense of Metaphysics
Based on the Neoplatonic Parmenides Commentaries”
Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 11/1 (2006): 143-173
“Primordial Sacrifice, Typology, and the Theological Vocation of Literature:
Extending Gian Balsamo’s Interpretation of Joyce and Christian Epic”
Literature and Theology 20/3 (2006): 251-268
“Prophecy Eclipsed: Hamlet as a Tragedy of Knowledge”
In Core Texts in Conversation, eds. Jane Kelley Rodeheffer, David Sokolowski, and J. Scott Lee
(Lanham-New York-Oxford: University Press of America, 2000), pp. 149-154.
“Psychoanalysis as a Hermeneutics of the Subject: Freud, Ricoeur, Lacan”
Dialogue: The Canadian Philosophical Review 38 (1998): 65-81.
“Literature as Liturgy and the Interpretive Revolution of Literary Criticism”
Preface to Gian Balsamo, Scriptural Poetics in Finnegans Wake
(Lewisburg, New York: Edwin Mellin Press, 2002), pp. v-xiii
“Scripture as Theophany in Dante’s Paradiso’’
Religion and Literature 39/2 (Spring 2007): 1-32
(2006 Annual Religion and Literature Lecture, University of Notre Dame)
“The Canon Question and the Value of Theory: Towards a New (Non-) Concept of Universality”
National Literatures in the Age of Globalization. The Issue of the Canon
(University of Bucharest)
“Figuralism,” “Albert the Great,” “Constantine,” “Israel,” “William II of Sicily”
In The Dante Encyclopedia (New York-London: Garland Publishing, 2000),
pp. 376-79, 11, 216-17, 524-525, 885-86.
“The Deaths of God in Hegel and Nietzsche and the Crisis of Values
in Secular Modernity and Post-Secular Postmodernity”
Religion and the Arts 11/2 (2007): 214-41
“The Dialectical Logic of Yeats’s Byzantium Poems”
In Poetry Criticism,vol. 51, ed. Carol Ullman (Kennedale, TX: Gale Group, 2004), pp. 146-52
[Reprinted from Yeats-Eliot Review 15, no. 3: 23-32]
“The Ethical Vision of Dante’s Paradiso in Light of Levinas”
Comparative Literature 59/3 (2007): 209-227
“The Ethical Posture of Anti-Colonial Discourse in Said and in Gandhi”
Journal of Contemporary Thought 25 (Summer, 2007): 5-24
“’The Missing All’: Emily Dickinson’s Apophatic Poetics”
Christianity and Literature 58/1 (2008): 61-80
“The Linguistic Turning of the Symbol: Baudelaire and his French Symbolist Heirs”
In Baudelaire and the Poetics of Modernity, volume in Honor of Claude Pichois,
ed Patricia Ward (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2000), pp. 28-40.
“A Philosophy of the Unsayable: Apophasis and the Experience of Truth and Totality.”
In Imaginatio Creatrix, ed. A.-T. Tymieniecka, Analecta HusserlianaLXXXIII (2004): 65-83.
“The Rhetorical-Theological Presence of Romans in Dante:
A Comparison of Methods in Philosophical Perspective”
In Medieval Readings of Romans, eds. William S. Campbell, Peter S. Hawkins, Brenda Dean Schildgen (New York: T & T Clark International, 2007)., pp. 142-52
“The Singular and the Other at the Limits of Language in the Post-Holocaust Poetry
of Edmond Jabès and Paul Celan”
New Literary History 36/4 (2005): 621-638
“The Exodus Epic: Universalization of History Through Ritual”
In Universality and History: The Foundations of Core, ed. Don Thompson, Darrel Colson, and J.
Scott Lee (Lanham-New York-Oxford: University Press of America, 2002), pp. 59-70
“Varieties and Valences of Unsayability in Literature”
Philosophy and Literature 29/2 (2005): 489-497
“Virgil, History, and Prophecy”
Philosophy and Literature 29 (2005): 73-88
The Death and Damnation of Poetry in Inferno XXXI-XXXIV:
Ugolino and Narrative as an Instrument of Revenge”
Romance Studies, Vol. 28 No. 1, January, 2010, 27–35
“Sulla verità poetica che è superiore alla Storia: Porfirio e la critica filosofica della letteratura”
Enthymema 1 (2010)
“The Canon Question and the Value of Theory: Towards a New (Non-) Concept of Universality”
Contents and Introduction Publishers page
Involved Knowing: On the Poetic Epistemology of the Humanities
Prophecy as a genre of revelation and its inspiration by poetic imagination
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