


Beth Conklin


Beth Conklin

Associate Professor of Anthropology
Chair, Department of Anthropology

Vanderbilt University

Martin Grossmann


Martin Grossman

Centro Cultural São Paulo

Forum Permanente

Mark Hosford (Steve Green/Vanderbilt)


Mark Hosford

Associate Professor of Art
Vanderbilt University

Vesna Pavlović (Steve Green/Vanderbilt)


Vesna Pavlović

Assistant Professor of Art
Vanderbilt University

Mario Ramiro


Mario Ramiro

Professor, Departamento de Artes Plásticas
(Dept. of Visual Arts)
University of São Paulo

Chair, Graduate Program
Escola de Comunicações e Artes
University of São Paulo

Ana Maria Tavares (courtesy of the artist)


Ana Maria Tavares

Professor of Art
University of São Paulo

Mel Ziegler


Mel Ziegler

Professor of Art
Chair, Department of Art
Vanderbilt University