DIMLI: Digital Media Management Library

DIMLI Takes the Stage at VRA Conference March 12-15

HART VRC Staff Attend ARLIS/NA + VRA 2016 Joint Conference, Seattle, WA

Art-affiliated librarians en masse may not sound like anyone’s idea of a wild time, but HART’s Visual Resources Director Chris Strasbaugh and Assistant Curator Millie Fullmer certainly had a “Sleepless in Seattle” experience during last week’s ARLIS/NA + VRA 2016 joint conference.  ARLIS/NA (Art Libraries Society of North America) and VRA (Visual Resources Association) share…

Posted by on May 3, 2016 in News

Denver Skyline

Strasbaugh & Sealy to Present DIMLI at VRA Conference March 12

With the Rocky Mountains as their backdrop, Chris Strasbaugh, director of HART’s Visual Resources Cent er, and William Sealy, associate application developer, will make a joint presentation on March 12 at the Visual Resources Association’s annual conference held March 11-14 in Denver, Colorado. As conference participants, Strasbaugh and Sealy will explore the latest developments in…

Posted by on March 5, 2015 in News


DIMLI Takes the Stage at VRA Conference March 12-15

Chris Strasbaugh, director of the Visual Resources Center in Vanderbilt’s History of Art department, will talk about DIMLI (Digital Image Management Library) in several sessions planned for VRA 32, A Visual Approach, the 2014 Visual Resources Association’s annual conference held March 12-15 in Milwaukee.  Strasbaugh and his colleagues have developed the open source DIMLI, a…

Posted by on March 13, 2014 in News,

VRA Foundation

Chris Strasbaugh Awarded 2013 VRAF Project Grant

Chris Strasbaugh, director of the Visual Resources Center in Vanderbilt’s History of Art department, has received one of two 2013 Visual Resources Association Foundation (VRAF) grants recently awarded by the Board of Directors. The amount of the award is $1500. Strasbaugh and his colleagues plan to continue their development of the open source DIMLI: Digital…

Posted by on March 5, 2014 in Home, News,