Home » Installation Guide
Installation Guide
Find the most recent version of Dimli at GitHub: https://github.com/VandyVRC/dimli
The README file includes the following installation instructions.
Currently, there are file paths and database names throughout the code which will need to be replaced to fit your individual system environment (search for “dimli.” and “_timthumb”). In the newest version of Dimli, coming soon, this will no longer be an issue.
Installation Instructions
In order to install DIMLI, you will need a server running MySQL on which to create a database, and a server running PHP on which to host the application itself. These two functions can, of course, be fulfilled by the same server, though local practices might dictate a seperation of these aspects of the system.
Import Database Schema
DIMLI’s database schema is provided by the dump file _sql/dimli_schema.sql
Use a command line prompt (or graphical user interface for the administration of SQL databases, such as phpMyAdmin) to create a new SQL database on your server. I suggest calling the database “dimli”, but you may call the database whatever you wish. Then import/run the schema file to create the many tables that comprise DIMLI’s relational structure.
All data created by, and imported into, DIMLI will reside within these tables and the within the SQL database you just created.
Define Unique Constants
1) Create a new file called _php/_config/constants.inc.php
2) Insert the following contents into the file:
Define the specifics of your server environment */
define('DB_SERVER', '{your.server.url.here}');
define('DB_USER', '{yourDatabaseUsername}');
define('DB_PASS', '{yourDatabasePassword}');
define('DB_NAME', '{yourDatabaseName}');
Define the filepath for the directory that stores your JPG archive
"http://hosted.image.repository.edu/images/" */
define('IMAGE_DIR', '{filepathOfYourImageDirectory}');
Define a salt parameter to pass into the crypt function */
define('SALT', '19ReXiNSuLaRuM23');
define('DIR', dirname(__DIR__).'/');
3) Replace each of the sections in the above code that are wrapped in {
and }
with the appropriate values for your server environment.
4) Save and allow _php/_config/constants.inc.php
to remain at this directory location. It will be required by several files in the application at large.
Prepare Image Directory
Whichever directory you chose to be your main image repository should be divided into three folders named as follows: full/, medium/ and thumb/. The size of the JPG files placed in the ‘thumb/’ directory should be exactly 96 pixels wide x 72 pixels high at 72 ppi. You may choose the dimensions for the ‘medium/’ and ‘full/’ JPG files as you wish. DIMLI will look in these directory locations for image files used throughout the application.
Making PowerPoints Available to End-Users
As you complete/deliver orders, manually add a PowerPoint file for each order to the _ppts folder. Each PowerPoint file should be named with a four-digit number matching the order number (e.g., 2363.pptx). This file will then be available for end-users to download when they visit their homepage.
Log In as the Default Admin
username/password: admin
Accessing and Utilizing the Getty Vocabularies
As a result of git file size constraints, we are unable to include the SQL files for the data to fill the Getty Vocabularies tables. We have made these SQL files available via a public Dropbox.
We have also included a copy of our repositories data, in case anyone might like to utilize them.
These Getty Vocabularies are too large to import via phpMyAdmin. However, they can be imported via the MySQL command line.
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