Faculty: Visit William Caferro’s History class at next week’s teaching visit

Posted by on Monday, October 1, 2012 in Events, Teaching Visit.

A Teaching Visit involves a small group of faculty who observe a colleague’s class (on a selected day), followed by an hour of conversation about what was observed, particularly shared teaching challenges. The Center for Teaching has hosted Teaching Visits for many years and they have been among the most productive and helpful events we offer. They are wonderful opportunities for Vanderbilt teachers to observe directly and then discuss various forms of teaching across the disciplines, building collegiality and expertise around inquiries into teaching and learning.

William Caferro, Gertrude Conway Vanderbilt Professor of History

HIST 135: Western Civilization to 1700

Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman foundations to the beginning of the eighteenth century.

Date: Wednesday, October 10th
Class Time: 9:10 – 10:00 am, followed by a 1hr discussion
Location: Furman 114
Audience: All
Pedagogies: Lecture
Facilitator: Joe Bandy
Discussion Location: TBA


If you’d like to attend this visit, please:

  • Click the “register now” link
  • Complete the registration information
  • When the visit approaches, you will receive an email reminder
  • If you register but find that you are unable to attend, please let us know. Please be mindful that space is limited.

We endeavor to organize visits across the university in various disciplines, but visitors do not have to be in the same discipline as the course they are observing. Indeed, many faculty members have found it helpful to encounter teaching styles and strategies different than their own, which they can then discuss with colleagues after the observation and adapt to their own use.

If you are interested in hosting a Teaching Visit or have any other questions about the program, please contact the CFT’s Joe Bandy.

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