Tuesday, November 19
Posted by heather.young@Vanderbilt.Edu on Monday, October 7, 2013 in Right Listing.
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Conflict Resolution in Syria: Negotiating Peace from the Grassroots Up
Location: Flynn Auditorium, Vanderbilt Law School
This panel discussion will provide current perspectives from two leading practitioners in conflict resolution negotiation efforts in Syria. Mr. Mohammad Al Abdallah, the Executive Director of the Syrian Justice and Accountability Center, will be present to speak of the negotiation dynamic involved in composing the Syrian opposition delegation for future Geneva talks, as well as the structure of negotiations focused on conflict resolution already taking place. Mr. Al Abdallah will be able to provide key insight into how those negotiations are structured to avoid engendering increased conflict and how they are utilized at local levels to maintain peace and create balance between old judges and new actors. Mr. Al Abdallah will be joined by Ms. Lee Tucker, a representative from the Public International Law and Policy Group (PILPG). Ms. Tucker runs PILPG’s Gaziantep-based program focused on preventing inter-communal violence in Syria. Her work, and the work of the project, has focused on training Syrians in conflict resolution, mediation, and negotiation skills. Additionally, VLS’s Professor Michael Newton will serve as moderator, guiding the conversation between the panelists to achieve its fullest potential. The event will be followed by a reception in North Lobby. Hosted by VLS’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Organization (ADRO), in cooperation with the VLS’s International Law Society and Middle Eastern Law Student Association.
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