Upcoming Teaching. Writing. Learning: Conversation with Melinda Brown
Posted by tveitts on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 in Events, News.
Fear, Tired, Dread, Excited: Student Feelings and the Research Assignment
Thinking about your Spring 2014 assignments? Participate in this conversation to identify concrete strategies for writing research assignments that maximize positive student responses.
Wednesday, November 20
12:10-1:00, Community Room, Central Library
Opening Guest Presenter: Melinda Brown (Heard Library)
Sponsored by the Center for Teaching, the Writing Studio, and the Heard Library; “Teaching. Writing. Learning.” is a series of monthly lunchtime conversations for anyone who teaches writing at Vanderbilt to gather and discuss specific issues, hear an invited colleague briefly introduce a relevant best practice, hear a bit about other research-based practices, share one’s own best strategies, and ask questions of all present.These interactive, informal conversations will offer a venue for discussion, learning new approaches, and solving problems.
For more information about the series, including the schedule for the rest of the year, visit our web page. We look forward to discussing the craft of teaching writing with you!
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