Before #MeToo: Histories of Sexual Harrassment with Dr. Allison Elias [Women’s and Gender Studies]

Posted by on Friday, February 9, 2018 in News.

Before #MeToo: Histories of Sexual Harassment

Wednesday, March 14 | 4:00–5:30 p.m.

Dr. Allison Elias, Postdoctoral Research Scholar at Owen Graduate School of Management

In this conversation, we will take a look at histories of sexual harassment in the workplace before recent efforts that brought this topic into mainstream discourse.  Dr. Elias, an expert on the history of gender and work in the United States, will present a short lecture on the coining of sexual harassment as a term and the codification of sexual harassment as a category of illegal employment discrimination.  Then we will brainstorm ways to capitalize on the current energy surrounding this topic so that workplaces in many industries can become more equitable for individuals in a variety of occupations.

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